Chapter 19

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Sang's P.O.V.

"Why won't you just tell me what's really going on?," Eli asks. "I'm not an idiot, Sang."

I cross my arms. Mom wasn't as discreet with her punishment this time and obviously Eli is catching on. I don't want to lie to him, but I don't want to tell him the truth either. He's not going to understand.

When I don't respond right away, he continues, "All the times you've come to school with bruises and said you were just clumsy, or how you kept saying you didn't want me meeting your parents because they were really strict," he sighs. "I should have figured this out sooner."

"It's really not what you think," I say quietly.

"Then explain it to me," he says. "Because the only conclusion I can come to is that somebody in your house is hitting you."

I sigh and take his hand. "You already know that my mom is sick. Her medicine just makes her lash out sometimes, but it's not her fault."

"And what about your dad?," he asks.

"He's hardly around," I shrug.

"There's no way he hasn't realized anything though," he says. "And what about Marie? I've never seen her walking around with mysterious bruises or anything like that."

"Marie doesn't get punished like I do," I tell him. I don't really know what else to say, nothing will make it sound better.

"So my original thought was right, your parents do suck," he mumbles. "Sang, we need to tell somebody about this. My mom can help you or anybody else that you want to talk to, but this can't continue."

I shake my head frantically. "No, no we can't tell anybody. They won't understand," I say. "You have to promise me that you won't tell anybody."

He looks mad and he doesn't get mad often. "You know I'd do anything for you, but I can't promise that."

"Please," I beg. "You don't even know what will happen if we tell anyone, and it'll just make her angry. I'll be fine as long as I don't get in trouble and stay in my room."

        He cups my face and sighs. "Fine, I won't say anything yet. Not until I'm sure it won't get you into anymore trouble with her. But if anything else happens, I can't not say anything," he says. "I refuse to let anything happen to you."

        He removes his hands from my face and instead wraps his arms around me and pulls me tight against him. I feel completely safe with him, probably safer than I've ever felt in my entire life.

        I believe him and what he said. And that absolutely terrifies me.

"Sang," I'm shaken awake. "Time to wake up."

             My eyes flutter open and I see Gabriel is standing over me. My alarm is also going off, which I suspected would happen. I asked Gabriel to make sure I wake up in time for my first day, since he would be up anyways.

        I turn the alarm off and lay my head back down. "I don't want to be awake," I say quietly.

         "You know, if you aren't ready Uncle would be more than understanding," he says.

         I stare at the ceiling for a minute. "No, I'm ready."

        I'm not. But I'll never be ready to go on without Eli. I'll just have to find a way to deal with this never ending pain everyday for the rest of my life.

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