Chapter 15

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Sang's P.O.V.

"You two can have a moment alone to discuss," the man showing us the apartment says to us before stepping out of the room.

"What do you think?," I whisper as soon as he leaves.

        "I love it. It's perfect for us right now and it's in our price range," Eli replies.

          "It's great," I agree.

I slowly spin around as I imagine how it will look when we're all moved in. "You're mom's couch will look great over there," I point to one wall before turning to the next one. "And we can put one of the bookshelves over here and then the other we can put in our room."

"Our room," he wiggles his eyebrows. "No more dorm rooms and no more sneaking into each other's rooms at my mom's house."

"We're really growing up, aren't we?"

"That we are," he nods.

"So, this is it?," I ask, "We're getting it?"

He grins. "We're getting it."

       "This is our home," I begin to dance, "This is where we're going to live."

       "You're such a dork," he laughs.

I take him by surprise by jumping up and throwing my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "But you love me," I laugh.

"I'm sorry, you guys want me to live with you?," I ask. "I can't imagine your brothers would be okay with that, most of them don't know me that well."

I woke up early this morning and didn't leave the room. I wasn't exactly thrilled to face the guys I barely know after having a major breakdown in front of them last night. Even though Gabriel seemed okay around me afterwards, I don't know how the others would act.

        "Well, they are," he says. "And you'll be able to decorate this room however you want, although I feel like I should warn you, Gabe will definitely try to take over that. And you could keep your apartment if you're not completely ready to give it up or if you need a place to get away for a little bit. My brothers and I, we can be a bit much at times."

There would be a couple advantages. It would be good timing considering I'll probably lose the apartment in a few months anyways, so I wouldn't be homeless. And considering there's so many people in this house, I'd never feel lonely.

However, I know he's asking because of last night and I don't want him to feel like he has to take care of me. That's why I turned him down after the incident.

       "I'd be a terrible roommate," I tell him. "You helped clean my apartment you should know how messy I am. I have almost no money and no job. Sometimes I don't leave my room for days, I have huge meltdowns, and I lash out at people. You seriously don't want me to live here."

     That's all true, and it's better to discourage him from wanting to live with me than to tell him I don't want him to take care of me.

          Another con. If I live here, I'm going to feel like I have to better around them and I really don't want to put in the effort.

"We have fourteen people here living already and the house is in fine condition. Also, money isn't an issue, you won't be expected to pay for anything. One of us can get you a job when you're ready."

"So, you want me to live here and contribute nothing?," I ask in bewilderment. I mean, that's what I'm contributing at my apartment now except for the bills, but at least there I don't have to feel so bad about it. "That's ridiculous."

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