Hearty talks!!

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They reached Shivaay's farmhouse. Shivaay came out of the car. Annika too opened the door to come out but before she kept her feet on the road, she was picked up by Shivaay in his arms. Annika just looked into his eyes. His one stare and she knew she is safe around him. Moreover, she is too tired to argue. So, she kept her head on his chest and let him lead her to his farmhouse.

He took her to one of the guest rooms and placed her on the bed as gently as he could. Give her water. Then, he called Doctor and Asha Tai.

Shivaay- (calling) Asha Tai!! Asha Tai!!

A lady in her early 50 arrives with a lady doctor Ms Nitika Kanojia.

Dr Nitika examined Annika, asked her few questions and then said.

Dr Nitika- No need to worry Mr Oberoi! She is fine, there are some bruises but no internal injury. Just wait outside for few minutes and I will dress her wounds.

Shivaay went outside and came back after the door clicked open. Shivaay went into the room and Dr prescribed some medicines for her before leaving.

Shivaay- Asha Tai.

Asha Tai- Ji baba!!

Shivaay- Tai, she is Annika. My... my best friend ( his intro had a proud feeling). She... she met with an accident. Please help her to change. Till then I will make something healthy for her.

Shivaay to Annika- Annika, I am going to make something for you. If you need any help you can call me ok. This ( showing her a gadget which was placed on the side table) is a walkie-talkie. You don't need to shout every time, just call me with this and I will be here. Ok? (He smiled at the end)

But there was no response from Annika. She looked at the other side. Shivaay got sad watching his ever so cool, ready to fight junglii billi, all silent. He thought to give her some time.

Giving a nod to Asha Tai, he went out of the room to prepare a healthy soup for her.

Asha Tai- Annika bitiya, how are you? Jyada chot to ni lgi na? (You didn't hurt much, right?)

Annika was lost in her thoughts so didn't reply. Asha Tai touched her a little and passed a small smile to which Annika revert with the same smile.

Asha Tai was a lady with experience. She can tell how a person is just by looking at her eyes. She knew Annika didn't meet with an accident but it was something horrible but she didn't voice it out because when a girl went through any kind of molestation, it was not easy for her to forget everything and face the world with the same eyes.

Asha Tai- Annika beta, I know what have you gone through.

Annika just looked at her face.

Asha Tai- Yes, looking at you, I can guess what must have happened. I know you are scared. You want to hide somewhere in the darkness so that no one could found you. But beta, you are lucky, you are saved and looking at your broken nails, I can bet that you fought for yourself. Not only you but he also got some scars from you. And now, he is dead. So, you don't need to worry.

Annika- He is not dead Asha Tai.

Asha Tai- (confused) He is not dead? But how could..... Shivaay baba saved you right?

Annika nodded with a confused face.

Asha Tai- Then, you are mistaken. He must be dead.

Annika- No, Tai!! He is in police custody.

Asha Tai- (still confused) Are you sure?

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