aqua-girl - SCOTT MCCALL [T]

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"There's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away."

- sarah kay



"I love you puppy."

"I love you too Aqua-Girl."

maris nightingale and scott mccall



fullname: Maris Naida Nightingale
age: 16 in Teen Wolf season 2
family: Kai Nightingale (Father)
Atlanta Nightingale (Mother)
Other unnamed family


Specie: Maris is an Atlantean from the city of Atlantis. She was born and raised there and knows hardly anything about the surface above.

Powers: Maris has super strength, agility and healing. Unlike werewolves, she doesn't have super senses but instead has the ability to control and manipulate water. Maris has a trident which can shrink to be clipped onto the chain around her neck. Also, she has Atlantean armour but she doesn't always have the time to change into it. Her abilities are enhanced when in water which is how she manages to feel the pain Matt is going through when Gerard drowns him. Instead of her eyes glowing gold, they glow a dark blue.

Weaknesses: Like how Werewolves can be poisoned by Wolfsbane, Atlanteans can be poisoned by Deadly Nightshade (Belladonna). Because she isn't a shapeshifter, Mountain Ash doesn't work on her. Electricity is a weakness and the total absence of water.

If you want to know any other details about Maris, please private message me and I'll be more than happy to answer any questions.



• Maris and Scott start off as friends but end up developing feelings for each other. Deaton gets Maris to be Scott's anchor when he goes under the water which makes them realise that the other feels the same. At the beginning of season 3B they slowly start their relationship.

• Maris likes to call Scott "puppy" so he calls her "Aqua-Girl". Stiles' nickname for her is "Little Mermaid" which annoys her because she's not a mermaid.

• She arrives at near the end of season 2 and instantly throws herself into the supernatural drama. This is because not only is she very curious about the surface, she is a very protective person, even over strangers.

• After Gerard and the Kanima is defeated, Maris decides to stay on the surface and the Stilinskis take her in. At the time, Noah just thinks she's a runaway who's in need of a home.

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