Prologue: Escaped Slaves. (redux)

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??? POV:

I don't know of how long was I was running and hiding.

Perhaps maybe a few days or more, though I doubt if it was that very long.

(~~~Flashback, the Crystal Empire~~~)

It all started at the Crystal Empire. My family were separated from me in different slave groups of humans. Each one were heading towards multiple locations of who knows where.

I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to neither Mom, Dad, and my sister.

Who knows what has happened to them since then, possibly either separated or worse.

Now I'm stuck in this Tartarus of a "PEACEFUL" Empire. Being beaten up, abused, and neglected by numerous cruel guards and other species as well while I'm chained up and defenseless of never fighting back.

My own kind hasn't had the courage nor the will of fighting these heartless beasts and their leaders.

Then one day, something happened to me and I couldn't exactly explain why.

When one of those abusive crystal guard ponies opens up my cell room, I somehow gotten my body up from the cold floor and yanked both of these metal chains off my wrists and legs which catch the guard in shock & awe.


Blinded from an instinct of rage, I catch him off guard by immediately tackling him on the ground with all of my strength and begin to brutally punching him multiple times from all of the cruel torment, abuse, and even tried raping me.

Gagging from the amount of blood on calling for help, I quickly grabbed the guard's knife from his waist and stabbed him multiple times before I used his knife to stab at his manhood below and finish it off with slitting his throat.

He began to choke and struggle to get off as I covered his mouth before he momentarily went silent.

After that and calming down from my unexpected rage, I grabbed the dead guard's cell keys and unlock the other cell doors of only nine humans left alive. About four males and five females, including two children. The rest of the humans are either dead, broken, or replaced.

I signal my kind if they want to live, follow me to freedom, and out of this hellhole.

They were shocked at first, but seem okay to go along with me.

I didn't know of what they shocked about, either me a mere human fighting back the guard or being a leader?

I shook my head no and continue on to a way out of these horrid dungeons.

Finally reaching towards the surface of light and fresh air, I hid among the hiding spots with my humans to make sure no other species have perhaps spotted us.

Thankfully there was some kind of celebration or festival going on so there's probably less guards around here.

When the coast is clear, I led my kind out of the capital tower and hiding to multiple buildings, just to make sure if there weren't any other guards nearby.

Then, I spotted a ticket of getting out of here.

There's four trains station nearby.

We all took one of the trains on-board while no one saw us as the train starts up as it leaves.

Unaware that neither one of us is being watched from far away.

(~~~12 hours later. . . ~~~)

Not long after finally escaping from the Crystal Empire, it was perhaps the first time peaceful.

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