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A.N. I know I've been gone for like..... three weeks. I'm sorry. Life has been crazy lately but I'm doing my best.

Enjoy my friends ❤️

Lucy Anderson

I jogged down the Wakandan battlefield and jumped on a hovering carrier.


Bucky, Steve and Nat were on board with several Wakandan soldiers, while Rhodey and Sam flew overhead.

"How are you feeling?" Bucky asked, swiftly taking my hand and squeezing it slightly.

"I'm alright, just worried." I responded, making him smile down at me.

"Doll, you can't die." Bucky said smoothly, looking out to the barrier before turning back to face me.

"You have nothing to worry about."

"I'm worried about you." I said honestly, making his features soften as he kissed my forehead.

"I'm afraid for the others too, but mainly you."

"I'll be fine, baby." Bucky responded, and I nodded a little before letting go of his hand.

"I'll take your word for it, tough guy."

"I'm the toughest guy." Buck smirked, and I laughed, making the soldiers look at us in confusion.

We have to be serious.

"You're my tough guy." I whispered, and Bucky smiled lovingly at me before hearing a loud thud.

"What the hell is that?" I asked, and Steve pointed behind us.

"Is that Bruce?" Bucky asked, making Nat nod.

"How we looking, Bruce?"

He was keeping us with us easily, leaping and jogging, seemingly having a great time.

"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it!" He responded, and I could tell by his voice that he was really stoked about being in Tony's armour.

"Wow, it's like being the Hulk without actually-" Bruce said, but stumbled on a rock while we continued flying past.

"You alright, Bruce?" I asked, staring at him in minimal concern.

He was in the Hulkbuster suit, so I knew he'd be fine.

"I'm okay, I'm okay!"

"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line." Rhodey piped up, and we turned to the barrier to see two alien beings waiting for us.

Based on the information we got from Fury, it was Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian.

The carrier pilots swerved strategically, causing the crafts to tilt and allowing the soldiers to slide over one side straight into a run.

Bucky dismounted first, offering me his hand which I took.

I didn't need help, but who could refuse such a gentleman?

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