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Lucy Anderson.

"Shit, I forgot my ammo bag!" I exclaimed, and Dopinder looked at me briefly.

"Shall we turn back?"

"Nope, there's no time." I sighed, counting my bullets.

"Fuck it, I got this." I said, and we fell into a brief silence, before I realised our location.

"We’re here!" I exclaimed, and Dopinder slammed on the breaks.

Sorry buddy, I don't have the best sense of direction.

We were in the middle of a bridge over a highway, and I highfived him before getting out the car.

I never carry cash when I'm working, he should know that.

It messes up my suit.

Dopinder drove off shortly after my exit, and I jumped up onto the edge of the bridge, waiting impatiently for the armoured vehicles.

"Maximum effort." I said to myself, cracking my knuckles before walking off the side of the bridge, landing in one of the cars in the convoy.

I beat all of them one by one, sending a few flying out the back of the car.

It sucks to be you guys.

"Is this corinthian leather?" I asked, snapping someone's neck.

I love a nice leather car seat, you just roll right off of em' when you're driving.

It's crazy.

"I’m looking for Francis, have any of you seen him?"

One of the men slammed my head into the radio over and over again, making me scoff.


Bullets went flying thanks to the motorcycle drivers outside, killing everyone except for me and the driver.

"Thanks for your help!" I yelled, laughing to myself and pressing the pedal, sending us flying into the car in front of us.

I shoved a cigarette lighter into the drivers mouth once I'd taken out the motorcycle drivers, and paused for a moment.

"Oh shit, did I leave the stove on?"

I got out the car, seeing a number of men get out their, holding guns and aiming them at me.

I didn't think I'd left the stove on, but if I did, boy did I have something hot to go home to, for once.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, but they began firing at me, making me jump behind the car for cover.

"You may be wondering, why the red suit?" I asked, and they stopped shooting while I poked my head up.

"Well, that’s so bad guys can’t see me bleed." I smirked to myself, looking at a body on the ground.

"This guy’s got the right idea." I said, pointing to a dead man next to me.

"He wore the brown pants."

They began shooting at me again, and I rolled my eyes.

"I only have twelve bullets, so you’re going to have to share!" I yelled, grabbing my gun.

"Let’s count ‘em down."

I jumped into the air, quickly firing off two shots, killing the first two men.

Their bullets started firing, and I felt a bullet fly straight through my arm.

Would you look at that.

Keep Me Wild ~B.BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now