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Lucy Anderson

I looked up at Francis, who was raging proudly on the huge platform, making me roll my eyes.

How the fuck am I supposed to get up there?

I took a look around at my surroundings, seeing Bucky still fighting honestly, just the biggest bitch on the entire planet.

She needs to get shit together, if I'm honest here.

This is a safe space, right?

"Lookin' strong, Barnes!" I yelled out to Bucky, and he glared at me before he got punched.

I watched him get sent flying across the dirt, rolling to a stop and coughing loudly.

God, he sounds like me in the late stages.

I probably should have put a trigger warning before that joke but hey, it is what it is.

Bucky stood up and brushed the dirt off his suit, turning to look at me, but we barely managed to maintain eye contact due to the distance between us.

I bet he was smiling, though.

I bet I really made his day by bringing him here.

"You owe me, Anderson!"

"Oi nah, I don't owe you shit!" I shot back, and he ducked out the way of a punch, giving me the middle finger before grabbing his gun out.

That boy has a flare for the dramatic I guess, but so do I.

Now onto more pressing matters, how the fuck do I get to Francis?

I noticed a tall ladder along the side of the structure, but it was a very, very long one.

I never really liked ladders, they always made me incredibly uncomfortable.

You know, for how much trust you should be putting into them to not drop you, they seem quite fragile.

I mean really, it literally just takes one push and it's all over, you go tumbling backwards.

Happened to me more times than I'd like to admit.

I've never liked ladders.

"Get up there!" I heard Bucky yell, making me roll my eyes.

"Who do you think I am, Superman?!" I shouted back, and he took a moment to respond, probably fighting Angel off.

I wouldn't know though, I was still staring at the ladder.

"No, because Superman can fly!" Bucky shot back, speaking again before I could.

"And, he isn't a giant pussy either!"

I've always been quite a spiteful person, you know?

Whenever someone tells me not to do something, I do it.

In fact, every tattoo I have was because some loud mouth told me it was a bad idea.

'You'll regret that when you're older,' they said.

'Skin isn't meant to have ink under it.'

That's some bullshit, if you ask me.

I grabbed either end of the ladder, slowly making my ascent to Francis, who I knew was just eagerly waiting for me at the top.

Not much longer to wait now, because the second I see you, I'm gonna cut your head off and mount it on my wall, babygirl.

Eventually, I approached Francis, who had Natasha Romanoff in the oxygen depravation machine.

Keep Me Wild ~B.BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now