Eyes on Me

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Have you ever gotten the feeling you were being watched? Most people don't like the feeling and some believe that they are constantly being watched by spies or creepy people. I'm not one of those people. I honestly believed that my life was too boring and that there is no way anyone, creepy or normal, would ever be interested in spying on me. Even with everything that is happening with the government right now, I could 100% guarantee that not a single soul was watching me. How could I have been so wrong. See, the thing about spies is that they are very sneaky, you often don't see them and if you do, most of the time they look just like normal people and of course, they never let you know that they are watching you. I never even saw him for the longest time and when I had seen him, I never would've known he was spying on me. I thought that maybe he was just another face in town and he just happened to be in a couple of the same places I was. He didn't even look like a spy. He was tall, had orange-brown hair, hazel eyes, a very memorable face because of his long nose, and he wore thin round glasses. I never even knew why he was watching me. Did he work for someone who wanted me surveilled? Is the government watching me? No no, they wouldn't want to watch me. I haven't done anything wrong so that couldn't be it. Was he just a guy who thought I was cute but didn't have the courage to ask me out? Is he a serial killer or murderer and he's making sure that he can attack me when I'm all alone? There was just no way of knowing unless I confronted him. That would be really stupid though if he was in fact a serial killer and besides, he might not know that I am now aware that he is watching me, I could use this to my advantage. 'Just ignore him, maybe after a while he'll get bored and stop', I thought to myself. It really didn't bother me after a while and sometimes I even forgot he was still there, still surveying. Now, it's a Friday night and I'm in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower. As I'm getting undressed, I hear a small click from downstairs that sounds like the front door. I head downstairs quickly and check the door. It is still locked and looks undisturbed. 'I imagined it', I think to myself and I go back to the bathroom, shut the bathroom door, finish undressing, and step in the shower. I shower for about 15 minutes, making sure I'm completely clean, then step out to dry myself when I notice something almost immediately. The bathroom door is not completely shut and I can see the hallway outside through the open sliver of the door. 'I could've sworn I shut this door completely', I think confusedly and slightly scared. Oh my god, is that spy..in my house? Good thing I bring my clothes in the bathroom to change into. I quickly get dressed and cautiously step outside. I don't take anytime to dry myself off. I look around at everything, checking to make sure nothing has been disturbed and that I'm just imagining this all. I creep upstairs slowly and immediately notice that my bedroom light is on. As I approach my room, I hear a slight cough and I nearly jump out of my own skin. There is definitely someone in my house and they are definitely in my room. I have no weapons, no way of defending myself, I just have to hope for the best and maybe try to reason with with this guy. Be brave Lance, be brave. I step into my room and in fact see the spy sitting on my bed and now looking directly at me. "Hi, how are you?", he asks smiling. Wow, the audacity of this man is unreal. "TERRIFIED, how did you get in my house, what do you want from me!?!?!", I yell panicked and angry. He puts both his hands in the air, gesturing for me to calm down and calmly says, "I want the same thing you want". What? I stare at him extremely confused and he begins to explain, "All of your free time, your private writings, your drawings, sketches, artwork, your secrets and deepest most personal thoughts that I read of your face paint the picture that you are in desperate need of a man's company". My writings, artwork...he's been in my house before. I'm speechless. He's been in my house, looked through my things, discovered my work and realized that I prefer the company of men. "Congratulations, you know my secret, now what?", I ask trying to seem unbothered. He stands up and approaches me slowly until he is toe to toe with me. "Like I said before", he starts to answer. He reaches up, gently strokes my face, and whispers, "I want the same thing you want". Now, I understand just why I was being watched as I feel his other hand move to stroke my ass. He kisses my neck, then bites as he grips and squeezes my ass hard. "AhHAOWW!", I cry out. He stops biting and eases up on the squeezing and says, "Sorry, you just smell and taste so good..all fresh and hot from the shower..it's making it so hard to control these urges". He quickly kneels down in front of me, pulls down my pants, and rubs my bare legs and ass still kneeling. "And you feel so soft and wet, ohhh god, you're so sexy", he moans shakily. He slightly pulls my shirt up and kisses my stomach. Still kissing me, he stops stroking me and starts to undo his pants. I feel his lips and kissing move down until his lips are firmly against my groin. Ho, shit, HO FUCK. He's sucking me so good, I'm panting like a dog and it's getting hard to stand. He strokes me again my ass again, but this time I only feel one hand. I look down at him and realize that he is jerking himself off with the other. Well, good to know that we're both enjoying ourselves. Holy shit, he's using his tounge too! I feel it swirl around me and please me in ways I've only dreamed of. He pulls away from me and groans, "Oh god, you taste so fucking good". With that being said, he picks me up and lays me on the bed. He instantly dives for my neck for kissing, biting and sucking and I run my fingers through his hair. I can feel his hot, wet, fully erect dick laying against my groin and flexing. Fuck he's so aroused that he's already thrusting against me and I can feel his dick sliding up and down my groin. "Mmm I want you so bad, I want to feel you sucking me into you", he whispers in my ear. In a instant, I feel him slide off my groin and push himself deep inside me. I cry out in absolute ecstasy and beg for him to fuck me hard and long. He pounds me into the bed, grabbing, squeezing my waist, hips, and ass, and grunting, growling, and moaning dirty things to me. Shit, he's being so rough with me, but I can't blame him because he's waited for this for so long. He is thrusting quite fast though and I'm worried he's going to cum too quickly. I feel like it's way too soon to stop now. "Mmm fuck, OH, OH, ah ah ah", I yelp in sharp breathes of painful pleasure. He groans when I whine and yelp and he thrusts harder into me when I writhe and squirm. "Ohhh you feel so good, ah, ah, ah, so hot, mmm so fucking wet, gaww, ho shit, ah, ah, all for me", he moans out. I can feel myself contracting around his pulsing shaft. Oh shit, this feels so good, oh god, I'm gonna cum all over him. I'm surprised he hasn't already filled me up with the rate he's been going at and how much force he's been using. Oh god, I can't hold it! "Ah, ah, AH, AHH, OHHHH, OH YES! MMMM AUUUHHH", I yelp out. He's biting me and chuckling into my neck as I finish. "Oh, I'm making you feel so fucking hot huh, making you cum all over me, hhhooooo mmm!", he growls in my ear. He never once lets up, not even after my first orgasm. No slight relaxation or any gentleness whatsoever. He does quit thrusting so quick for only seconds at a time in order to slam into me which causes me to yelp out from the pain, then moan with from the brief second of my aching muscles relaxing. I don't want him to stop, it's only after my third orgasm that I start begging him to cum inside me. "Ohhh, please, AH! Mmm, oh please give it to me, ohh give it all to me, AH, AH! auughh, I want it so bad, pleeease!", I plead as he keeps thrusting me into the bed. His breathing is hard and heavy, he stops sucking on my neck and whispers, "Call me daddy, oh beg daddy please like a good little boy".
"Ohh fuck, daddy pleeeease, cum in me, Ah, AH, mmm ohh please daddy, pleeease!", I moan. He starts to slow down, whines sharply, and squeezes me hard as he bursts, flooding my insides with semen and keeping me close to him. He finally loosens his grip and starts stroking me gently again like he did before he fucked my guts out. God, I'm exhausted, I bet he probably is too. "Now maybe you'll put me in one of your private stories", he says coyly. Wow, still quite a lot of audacity but I suppose he's entitled to some of it after what I let him do. I just smile and laugh, "Maybe". He finally gets off of me, adjusts his pants, and starts to head for the door. "Wait!", I yell. He stops and looks back at me wondering why I'm keeping him waiting. "Will I ever see you again?", I ask. He smirks and says, "Just keep your eyes peeled, and you will". With that being said, he leaves my room and shortly after, I hear the same small click of the door lock I heard earlier this evening and knew that he was gone and a silent surveyor of my life once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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