Chapter 2: Protocol: Scattered Mice

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Walking back from the ice cream shop, Haru had his hands on his head groaning while Izuku was giggling. "I told you not to eat your ice cream so fast. Now you've gotta brain freeze." Izuku shook his head in a giggling fit. Haru placed his head on the back of his mom's shoulder as they continued their walk home. Inhaling his calming vanilla tea scent, he smiled. This scent always made him feel better. In fact, Haru can't go too long without Izuku's scent or he'll get angsty.

The same goes for Izuku. Ever since Haru pronounced alpha and his scent started to develop, he'd always bury his nose into the boy's scent glands. His son's cinnamon spice scent is similar to his father's smoky caramel scent, which always puts him at ease.

"Ya know Haru, it's gonna be a long summer. And I'm going to start working triple shifts instead of double, which means I won't be home often." The omega began. Haru visibly saddened. He was looking forward to spending time with his mom this summer. "And with my mom on her "Oldies Retreat '' trip to Paris, Ochako's on a hero mission in Korea, Yo and Tatami are on I-Island right now. I don't want you to be bored in the house all alone so……" Izuku trailed off. He wasn't sure how he would react to this.

"So……?" Haru echoes confusingly. By the way his mom looked he could tell something was bothering him. "S-so what if you went somewhere this summer. One of my co-workers said she enrolled her child in a creative activity summer camp. They'll have lots of things you like to do. Field days, Camping, Hiking, Mountain climbing, Canoeing, Arts and Crafts, Storytelling, Scavenger Hunts, Capture the flag -Normal summer camp stuff. But it also has extracurricular activities too! Like Cooking, Woodshop, Home economics, Visual Arts, Drama and Theater, Music, Gardening, Sports, and they have support courses for engineers. But most importantly, that place will be surrounded by kids. So you won't be lonely. Doesn't that sound like fun?" Izuku finally concluded his incessant mumbling.

"No thanks. I'd rather stay home and spend at least a minute with you, than go to some camp and not see you at all." Haru stated. He chuckled at the sight of his mother -teary eyed with a wobbly smile. "MY BABY LOVESSSS MEEEEEEE!!!!"


As the duo walked down the street they felt a shiver go down their spine. Someone was following them.

Recently there had been reports of omegas going missing. And that worried both of them. Sweat started to leak from Izuku's face, but he remained calm.

"Mom…." Haru whispered. He could smell the shift from content to distress in his scent. Izuku stiffened as he felt the unwanted presence come closer. "Haru...we need to initiate Protocol: Scattered Mice." He muttered. Haru's eyes widened at the order. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked at his mother. "No. Please, we can't. I can protect you myself...Just please."

Protocol: "Scattered Mice" is a procedure Izuku came up with when Haru was 6 years old. In the event where a villain appears, Haru will run to a small shed, away from Izuku and the villain. There he'd find a bag with necessities including: clothes, a laptop, 2 bus passes, $108142 yen, ($1000 in USD) and an address book. He can use the address book to find someone to take care of him in the meantime.

Izuku pulled his child into a tight embrace. Tears were already spilling from his malachite eyes. "Haru baby, look at me. I would never put you in harm's way. Especially not for me. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you. You've trained for this okay. You'll be fine, alright." Izuku tried comforting the boy.

Haru frantically shook his head. "No! Mo-" The boy was cut off. "Haru, you promised me you'd do this." Izuku reminded sternly. "And you promised me you'd always be with me!" Tears were overflowing now. "And I always will be." His mother assured taking the scarf he had on and wrapped it around his neck. "I won't leave you. I can't! Mom. What am I going to do without you?..." he whispers trying his best not to sob. 

Izuku's eyes narrowed as the figure moved closer, pulling something shiny out of their pocket. "You're going to run. You're going to find somewhere safe. And you're going to be okay." Izuku told him. He kissed Haru's forehead and whispered, "I love you, Haru. Never forget that." Haru wiped away his watering eyes and nodded. "I love you too, mom."

The young alpha hated that he had to do this. He closed his eyes and created a small but blinding explosion of fireworks in front of the villain. That was the signal for the mother and son to scatter in different directions. Hence the protocol name "Scattered Mice". Izuku made sure to "accidentally" bump into the villain while running. This would lead the villain in the same direction as him. (A/N: Izuku got that big brain)

Izuku made a mad dash down the street with the villain hot on his tail. It would only be a matter of time before he got caught. But he didn't care about that. He just prayed his only child would be okay.

The greenette ran as fast as his short ass legs could take him( which is pretty fast) but it wasn't enough as he tripped and was cornered. Next thing he knew he was trapped in a marble.

A/N: F in the chat for Izuku (ᴗ_ ᴗ。)

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