Holding On

222 9 4

A/N: I felt like updating..


I need you.. Liam where are you. I'm stuck here.. Please come get me-come find me.. I have to keep holding on.. I got to make it through.. Liam.. I kept thinking to myself. I was being driven to some area outside of town. I couldn't be sure because I didn't hear anything. I was stuck in the end of the truck.. I am hungry and in cold. I wish I wasn't alone.. But there is always no one else but me. Justin died because of me, Niall will forever be alone.. If I wasn't here, if I was somewhere else, none of this would have ever happened. I shouldn't be here.. I'm the cause of all the trouble.. Maybe being kidnapped will protect the others. I laid down. Tears streamed down my face- I'm lonely, scared, and tied up. Can someone just find me?

"Zayn. I am coming-just hold on. Please stay strong..." I heard Liam's voice. I looked around..
"Liam? Where are you?" I said over and over again. I waited for a response. I looked around the area. A building- a warehouse. Blood stains on the wall, and two doors. I walked towards the first door and opened it. Once entered, I looked around. Trees? I must be on the outskirts of the cities around me.. I went back inside and went to the other door. I took a slight breath and opened the door. When I walked inside, I stopped in my tracks. "Justin?" He nodded. I ran up to him and cried. I cried to the point it became mindless sobs. "Help.. me.." I said in the middle of a sob.. Justin held me.. He spoke softly, but I understood him.
"He's coming. Liam is coming."
I woke up and the car was still on the road. The engine purring, and my stomach growling; I knew this will be a while for anything to happen.

I hope he was alright.

I was walking to Zayn's flat with Harry. I was going to check on Zayn, and Harry was the only one who can stop his brother from hurting Zayn. When we got there, I noticed that there was no one home. I looked at Harry and cocked an eyebrow. I know his parents are out on a business trip so they wouldn't be home for a bit, but the door wasn't locked, not even closed. My heart started to pound fast in my chest. Where is Zayn? I ran into the house I looked in every room..
"Deep breath Niall." I said to myself. Maybe he is with Liam; yeah that is it. I called Liam.
~ring ring ring~
"Hello." Liam said.
"Hey Li." I said. "Quick question. Is Zayn with you?" I asked. Please say yes...
"No he isn't. Niall I haven't heard from Zayn since yesterday." He said. I dropped my phone. My worst fear has came about. "Niall what's wrong? Niall?" Liam said.
"Zayn is missing.." I said softly. I tried holding back the tears.
"Missing what do you mean?" He asked. Harry picked up my phone and spoke.
"Edward and Perrie took him. Zayn has now been kidnapped by the killers who killed Justin." He said.
"I'll be right there." Liam answered and ended the call. It didn't take Liam long. I think he was speeding up on the road, because he was here in less than five minutes.
"I'm here. Now, where did they take Zayn?" He asked.

The Guardian AngelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ