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A/N: So guys this marks the last few chapters of TGA coming up...


“I may know who killers are.” Niall said.

I looked around the area and made sure I heard him right. My instinct told me to trust him— I have to. It is Niall, the only one who has major anger towards the killers. My fingers started to dial another number— Sierra’s. I waited for the dial tone to begin but it went to voicemail.

           “Hi, you have reached Sage, I am not here at the moment so please leave a message after the tone. Thank you.”  I hung up the phone. She never has her phone off.  I called her work phone. The dial tone rang.

           “Hello.” She said.

           “Sage, your phone it’s off? You never have it off.” I said.

           “Oh well it’s dead, I didn’t charge it. I’ve been here at the office the entire night. I was working on the lecture for the next few days. It’s hard. I need help.” She said.

           “I’ll be right there.” I said and chuckled. I headed to the station and walked inside her office.  She had a bunch of papers up to her head all over the place. “You are really taking this job serious.” I said. She chuckled.

           “Liam. Help me.” She said and I walked towards her.  “I can’t separate anything and put things in order or finish grading the papers. It is just overwhelming.”

           “No one told you to do this. You could have stayed here.” I said teasingly.

"Well I wanted to do this." She said.

~time skip~

Man, that took forever.. Between grading, organising, and working on the lecture, I feel like passing out. I got into my flat before checking the mail or anything. Maybe one of the days, I can invite Zayn over. After a week of school, I haven’t seen Zayn recently. I have called him and he had answered a few times. He sounded pretty sick on the phone each day I called. I decided to call Niall.

~Ring. Ring Ring~

    “Hello.” A Thick Irish accent said on the phone.

    “Hey Niall.” I said.

    “What’s up?” He asked.

    “Can you check on Zayn for me? I haven’t seen him in awhile.” I asked.

    Yeah, sure. I’ll check up on him later.” He said.

    “Thanks.” I said. I hung up on the celly. I took a deep breath. I hope he was alright.

A/N: So sorry about that. Computer is new so I can start typing on my own time again along with doing any papers that I have for college.

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 Only a few left..

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