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I woke up to a cool breeze coming in through the window of my bedroom, I spent most of the summer at the Malfoy manor because our families are very close so I pretty much have no choice of who my best friends are. Today I was going to Hogwarts so I could fulfill my task and become a death eater just like my father, Antonin Dolohov. My family is probably one of the most loyal families to the Dark Lord and also very powerful. My mother Demmiston has homeschooled me since I was a child, teaching me the dark arts so that I could be more powerful than any witch or wizard in our family one day. She told me about this thing that only some of the most powerful witches could do, it's called wandless magic and, as the name suggests, you don't need a wand to cast spells. I have been trying to learn that, but I have only managed to do some stunning spells and blocking, but I know that I am getting more powerful every day that I practice it.

I get dressed and go across the hall to go get Isla up shes my best friend and her brother Draco is an exception, we're still friends but not as close as I am with Isla. We are both a year above him, so it just seems fitting that we're best friends. I throw a pillow at Isla and she bolts up and then falls back down to her comfy pile of blankets and pillows flipping me off as she does so.

"y/n I'm going to kill you!" she said still not fully awake. I just laughed to myself and said "Come on get up I'm bored and I don't feel like hanging out with Draco by myself if I'm going to put up with him." "Uhh, fine just give me a minute will you!" she mumbled. I picked up the pillow I threw at her previously and hit her with it "Isla you and I both know you're just going to go back to sleep." "I guess your right," she responds and sits up to look at me and smile a bit. She gets ready in her bathroom and then we head downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Uh, I'm starving!" I said, "y/n you're always starving!" Isla laughed and I started laughing with her. We get down to the dining room and see Draco already there with Blaise, "When did you get here?" Isla asked. "He just got here this morning," Draco replied. "Okay, let's eat," I said. "good idea," replied Isla.

After we ate we all went back to our rooms to see that the house elves had already packed our stuff, got our books for this year, and fed our pets. I had an owl named Eclipse, she was mostly black with white dots all around her body, she flapped her wings and I stroked her head before going downstairs with my stuff. "Is everyone ready?" Narcissa said to us all, "Good let's go then," she held out a beautiful black dagger, with its sheath embroidered with thin gold lines twirling around it. I admired it for a second before grabbing on to it as we all appeared at platform 9 3/4.

Writers note - Just for future reference I have not proof read most of this book because I'm too lazy so if there's any errors you're going to have to deal with it.

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