All your fault

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Jimin sat with Jin both smiling at the Happy picture their mother and Min Jung made, cosied up at the table, friends all around.
After much discussion the newly married pair had decided that although the ceremony was going to be low key they wanted a party afterwards where they could invite people that meant a lot to them, Jin offering to close the bar for the night to decorate the place, employ temporary staff to serve drinks and food.
"She looks so happy Jin,"
"Finally,it's the happiness she deserves," Jin said clinking his glass with his brothers.
Min Jung stood up." Ahem, I would just like to say thank you to you all for being here on our special day, never did I think I would be so happy.I now have a beautiful wife and with it two sons," raising his glass to both boys."when I came to this town I was a bit down on my luck with no great hopes for the future, thanks to the Alpha( nodding at Jungkook) he made me feel a valuable part of society again and as many of you in this town would agree we are very lucky to have such an Alpha"
"Pfft," came from Jimin, getting a frown from his mother and a snicker from the Alpha.
" my wife and I would love you to relax and enjoy yourselves, again thank you from us both on being here for the start of our journey together,cheers" he said raising his glass, everyone else raised theirs, Jin and Jimin looked at each other raised theirs and said" to mum and dad," earning a big smile from Min Jung and a tearful one from their mother.
Two hours later and everyone was having fun, Jungkook had even managed to steal a slow dance with Jimin,who said he only allowed it as he didn't want to be the only wallflower as everyone else was up and dancing already.Jungkook smiled to himself, this boy,as annoying and obstinate as he was, caused him to smile a lot , he could see that his mate would never be one to give in easily, but he was prepared for that as long as he got him in the end.
Tae, Jin and Jimin then snapped into an obviously danced before routine, when a fast throbbing beat came on,each of them gleefully laughing ,gyrating their hips in sexy moves making each of their mates nearly drool at the mouth.
Once the music stopped Namjoon grabbed Jin close to him wanting his mate as close as possible,Yoongi hung onto Tae's arm sneaking a kiss in and Jungkook after seeing Jimin shake his booty was just about to walk near when the doors to the bar slammed open.
" Well well, I hear congratulations are in order," the tall heavily built man said.
" Fuck," said Tae.
" No fucking way, " Jin said.
The man strode over to the newly wed couple, glaring at the woman and giving a pitying look at the male.
" why are you here," his ex wife said, just as Jimin walked over standing by the man.
" Don't you get the message, why do you keep hanging on, you loser "
The man swung a fist at Jimin punching his face and knocking him to the ground."you insolent pup, who do you think you are talking to,"he shouted before realising he was surrounded by three Alphas.
" Don't you ever touch my mate again," roared Jungkook while Min Jung furiously said," leave my son alone,"
Tae stood there angrily glaring at Jimins father.
"Leave my boy alone" his mother yelled.
Jimin stood up ,wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth then smirking at the man he hated," and there he is again the worlds worst father, any problem use your fists, it's getting old now you sad old man,"
" YOU, you dare to talk like that to me, as if you are someone important, you are the worst, trying to act like an alpha because of what you did to your brother !"
Gasps came from Jin and his mother," what are you on about you sad fuck, I never did anything to Jin?"
" oh yes.... Just brush your brother away like he never existed, forget him, forget the way you got him killed!"
" W-what , are you delusional?"
Jimins mother ran and grabbed her ex husbands arm," No, no don't say anymore, he, he doesn't know" she said quietly.
The angered male looked at her then Jimin, then sneeringly said," I don't know how you made him forget but he should always feel guilty, why should he forget Jiyong  easily, my son my alpha, this little shit got him killed"
   Jimins head started throbbing ...Jiyong...Jiyong? Suddenly flashes came to his head him and another boy running around laughing, jumping over fallen trees, tripping falling, the tree...... he stared in horror at his father." Oh all coming back to you now is it," he said, taking a threatening step towards the boy, the three alphas standing in front of the small boy, Jungkook so angry his fists were itching to hit the man." You, you dare to blame him," Jimins mother stepped forward," you, it's your fault, how dare you always put the blame on Jimin,"
" Me? You blame me woman !"
"If any blame is put on anyone it's you, that day I had to take Jin to the doctor, you were supposed to look after them but you yelled at them to get out because you wanted to sleep, don't deny it, the staff hated you they told me what you did,you couldn't be bothered to spend time with them!"
"I-I , there is no way it's my fault , Jimin fell hes clumsy, Jiyong went to help...the tree fell on him, my boy, my alpha, it should have killed Jimin!"
Gasps came from everyone there, none of them believing a father would talk like this about his son.
"What?"he blustered, " he's just an omega worthless, my boy ,my alpha died.
"They are all your boys, you, you thug!Omegas are worthless , no we are not!! Can you bear children, no, male omegas are special they can bear pups can you, NO!!we carry on the bloodline , you should cherish the omega, not like you treating us with disdain,you,you ANIMAL!!!!" Mrs Park now Mrs Min, was shaking in anger.
" huh, you are and always have been worthless wom....." suddenly a fist connected with his face, the power behind the punch knocking him down and out, everyone looked in amazement at Min Jung who looked around then said," can't have a bastard like that dissing the Mrs," he said earning a hug from said wife," thank you darling .....Jimin....where's Jimin?" She asked worriedly making everyone look around but the boy wasn't in sight." No no, where is he, he will be so upset, has he remembered!!!"
Jungkook rushed to the door then stopped glancing back , "Tae, I will find him, take that piece of filth to the police station, I want him locked up for assault, we all saw him hit Jimin," he patted Mrs Mins hand , "don't worry I will find my mate" he said then rushed through the door, picking up Jimins scent and following him.
Not knowing how long Jimin had been gone he ran along looking around, his alpha senses picking up Jimins route, he could have changed into his wolf but didn't want to surprise Jimin anymore than needed so he carried on ,his alpha speed more than that of a normal human, half an hour later he saw clothes dropped by the road recognising they were Jimins he picked them up, still following his scent when suddenly he heard a long mournful howl, making his heart shatter, knowing it was Jimin. He carried on, suddenly rain came and with it thunder making it hard to follow the scent but then he saw him, a small grey wolf mournfully howling for a lost one. Walking quietly to the wolf he called it," Jimin, it's me please come back," looking at the beautiful wolfs face he saw tears in its eyes , then suddenly he transformed and Jimin lay there silent sobs shaking his body.
Jungkook swept him up in his arms , trying to keep the small boy warm,looking around he saw that he was near his house and swiftly carried the naked boy there.
  "It's my fault, my brother, I forgot him , how could I ," he rambled shivering.
"Jimin I'm  going to give you a hot shower , ok?"
Getting no response he picked up the boy taking him to the large bathroom holding him up as he turned the hot water on and putting the small boy under, all the time watching him with a worried look. Realising he was getting soaked he quickly stripped off his own clothes washing them both, then wrapping a towel around his waist and getting another for the small boy he took him into the bedroom drying the boy off and finding a t shirt of his to put on the boy, as it came to his knees he didn't bother putting anything else on the boy. He pulled the covers back tucking the small boy in before saying," Jimin I'm going to get you some hot chocolate ok, I'll be back soon.
There was no response to this so Jungkook quickly made his way to the kitchen picking up his phone on the way to ring  Jimins mother and reassure her about Jimin telling her he would stay with him that night.
Making his way back to his room he saw a small bundle in the bed asleep. He put the hot chocolate on the bedside table then crawled into the bed. The small boy immediately gravitated to his warmth, laying against his chest and hugging tightly ,Jungkook kissed his forehead telling the sleeping boy he loved him and holding onto him drifted off to sleep.

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