Friends and enemies

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Tae sat in the bar with Jimin, he'd visited Jimins mother earlier. She had been delighted to see him inviting him to the wedding taking place in a few days, the older pair wanting a simple quiet wedding.
" I've never seen your mum look so happy,Jiminshee,"
Jimin smiled," she has found her true mate, he is kind and loving to her."
"and Jin I see has his mate?" He said looking down the bar to the two lovesick idiots swaying to the music playing.
"What about you Jimin?"
"Me what about me," he asked.
" well I heard from your close family, that the alpha here is your mate?"
"Pfft, he wishes.... he just thinks because he's handsome with a godlike body and sensuous lips, that I'm gonna fall head over heels for him."
"You do realise how you just described him? How would you know what his body is like?"
"I-I , we'll I may have seen it"
"Hush up , why not shout it from the rooftop, asshole!"
"But my dear soulmate you used to tell me everything!!!was it good, is he good, how often , when can I meet him?"
"I-it was good, he's very good,only because of my heat and never,"Jimin answered him.
Tae looked at his friend, knowing the trust issues he had with alphas," Jimin I know we used to joke about you putting the alphas down, but this is your mate, you trusted him enough in your heat you have never done that before, learn to go with your gut instinct, don't refuse the guy because if your misgivings ok"
A slight nod came from the smaller boy before he went off to get some dirty glasses.
Tae was deep in thought when the smell of sage hit him, looking up he saw the other bartender staring not moving .
Tae moved down the bar sniffing deeply, standing across the bar from the small male he stopped," hi, you are?"
"Overwhelmed, I mean Yoongi ," he stuttered.
Yoongi was mesmerised by the handsome alpha his smell was divine smoky wood .
"Well Yoongi , when's your break, care to come outside?"
Yoongi nodded, shouted to Jin about a break before walking outside to be dragged behind the building and kissed frenziedly by the Alpha.
Within no time the two males were fucking roughly biting and scratching each other the dominant alpha demanding the other male to cum.
Afterwards they both leant against the wall panting.
"I'm Tae, your mate, you ok with that?"
"Only if you promise to fuck me forever," the other said, before the two males matter of factually brushed themselves down and strolled back into the bar to disclose their new connection!

Jungkook found himself at the bar, he'd tried but he couldn't keep away, walking in he nearly stopped and turned around when he saw the male Jimin had been hugging at the bar but he clenched his fists and went up to order a drink." Hey Kook, while your here mum asked me to give you this invite to her wedding, well actually she asked Jimin but you wouldn't like the response he gave,"he said handing over the invite.
Jungkook read it, he nodded to Jin saying he would confirm it with his mother then sat alone at a nearby table, covertly watching Jimin, unaware of some one watching him until a chair dragged back and a voice asked if they could sit there,
Glancing up he saw it was the last person he wanted to see so he just glared at him.
" Nice to meet you too I'm Tae."
"hmmff" Jungkook grunted.
"something wrong?"
" maybe I just want to punch your face in,"
" oooooh scared ...not, what's got your back up?"
" oh I dunno maybe seeing my mate cuddling you makes me feel a bit off,JIMIN IS MINE!!"
" hey, it's not what you think, we are soulmates, known each other for years, but not like that,"
"Oh sure your the idiot that taught him how to ignore his Alpha,"
" point taken , not my brightest idea,"he laughed.
" so why you here?"
" it was to see my friend and his family but now I have another reason, my mate."
" what!!I told you Jimin is mine!!!"
" not him you asshole,HIM,"he said pointing to Yoongi who was sweetly smiling at him, he blew a kiss back.
Jungkook felt happier than he had in a while, until Jimin stalked over ," why are you annoying my friend Jungkook ,"
" your friend and I were just talking about mates,"
"Mates Tae doesn't have a mate, so what would he know?"
" oh but he does and I obviously new before you!"
" there is my beloved "said Tae .
Jimin turned and saw Yoongi.
" Yoongi?"
" hmmmm Yoongi isn't that a lovely name "
Jimin just stared at his friend before walking away to bemused by the turn of events, "what is it with everybody wanting to find their mate!!!"
The two Alphas laughed at the small boy walking off, talking to himself and gesturing with his small hands.
"So....,I know he gave you his v card," Tae said.
"Fuck, is nothing secret between you two?"
" nah,so how you gonna claim him, he's in denial mode isn't he?"
" as far as mates go I don't exist to him, yet he was so responsive to me, the feel of him wrapped around my...."
"Ew, to much info bro!"
"Ha , yeh sorry, hmm I just get carried away when I think of him!"
"I can tell, you've got it bad."
" he's so secretive, he locks himself up, I didn't even know he had a brother that died."
Tae looked up in alarm, checking where Jimin was ,"SHHHHHH," he dragged the alpha up and outside before Jimin noticed.
"What the hell, Tae...?"
"Don't ever mention his dead brother to Jimin!"
"Why, is he still that sad about it, so doesn't want to be reminded?"
"Er no...., he doesn't know about it,"
"What but he must know he was his twin it happened when he was six?"
Tae sighed then explained,"it was before I knew them, but one night not long after I knew them I was out with Jin who got very drunk and started telling me about his horrid father who blamed Jimin for an accident , that it wasn't anyone's fault, how Jimin had been so traumatised by it that their mother had got help from a doctor who could hypnotise people. He hypnotised Jimin into forgetting his brother , put false memories in his brain to help him heal."
"What happened?"
"Well the next day Jin came to me telling me to never tell Jimin, that he was just upset at seeing his brother push life away, trying to act like a strong Alpha not an omega."
" Jin thinks it's because subconsciously Jimin knew his brother was an alpha and tries to replace him."
"I don't understand?"
"The accident happened in a field near their house, there had been a strong storm trees had been uprooted, Jimin and Jiyong went out playing a bit further from the house than normal, while running through the trees Jimin fell over Jiyong came to help when a large tree started falling, Jiyong picked Jimin up and told him to run but he then tripped and the tree crashed down on him killing him, Jimin was found sitting next to the tree holding his brothers hand not moving just saying that his brother was sleeping and he couldn't wake him up."
Jungkook felt a deep pain in his heart for the small boy wishing he could have been there to save them both.
" but why does his dad hate him so much?"
"Because Jiwong was an alpha, next in line to him, a few days after it happened Jimin started saying if Jiwong hadn't come to help him he would still be alive...., his father once he heard that took to beating Jimin, his brothers name was never mentioned in the house after that but Jimin accepted all the beatings because he blamed himself as well. That's when his mother took him to the doctor to relieve his pain, but she never told her husband as far as he knows his sons name is never mentioned, so he just took his anger out on Jimin but Jimin didn't understand why, when he broke Jimins arm Mrs Park knew she had to leave then later divorced him.Jimin just thinks his dad is a nasty tempered person who wanted to pick on him , no one in the family speaks of the tragedy only Jin when he got drunk.He told me his biggest fear is Jimin remembering or his father mentioning it on one of his rants when he finds them, which is why they move quickly when that happens."
Jungkook was shaken, he couldn't bare the thought of his mate being hurt.
"I will never let his father hurt him."
" Don't think of him as his father, think of him as his enemy, believe me he is a nasty evil man."
Jungkook nodded and was about to say more when a little tornado came storming outside.
" what are you up to," he glared at Jungkook" he's my friend what are you saying to him!"
"Ah my dear mate, now he's my friend too and we were just getting to know each other,I want to know all about you," he said pulling a laughing Tae with him back to the bar, with an angry wolf stomping his way back muttering about traitorous friends.

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