Part 15

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(Steve point of view, after Hope let Bucky and him down on the floor after almost killing them)

I turned around from laying down and seeing Hope flying up in the air and disappearing, Bucky were also looking up and was up before i could think of it. Tony, Nat, Bruce and Thor was starting to wake up after getting electrocuted by Andrew controlling Hopes body.

"Steve what the hell happened to Hope, she was so close to choking us to death. Her shit ex fiancé must have somehow broke into her mind and controlled her every move" said Bucky and gave me and hand up to get up.

"Thanks Buck. This is what not her definitely her ex. Buck what are you doing with you phone? Everyone okey" I said and looked at everyone that had just woken up and slowly getting up.

Everyone kept looking around and Thor faced towards me.
"Where is Hope?" Said Thor looking at me.

"She knows how to ruin a good evening, This was my day off. Who ever controlled her did a lot a damage on the compound and at us" said Tony looking at the compound that was had some parts missing.

"Dose anyone know were she is? I think she is in danger. Andrew or Hydra has her captive for one thing only" said Natasha during off her outfit.

"Don't get mad but i put a tracker on her jewelry. If she ever got away against her force or kidnapped of the twister Hydra and Clark family" said Bucky and got up his phone and put on the app.

" You can't do that Buck it's illegal! Nat is right we need to find her as soon as possible if we can do it tonight it would be awesome. I think i can't sleep until i know she is safe" I said and looked at Nat

"Look and it came to useful, I found her and possible the base for Hydra. Let's get ready for fight and to get her home. I'm not leaving her a night with them having her" said Bucky and looked at all of us. Tony looked at my direction if that was the order from me to and i nodded.

"Let's get her home, We are the only one that is her family and friends. Prepare for battle team" I said we all went inside the compound to put on our gear and prepare for battle. I grabbed the battle suit and the shield before heading out I opened my compass and looked at the picture of Hope and smiled just thinking of her and the old days. Bucky stood in the door way and looked at me that i looked at her.

"Don't worry we get her home not matter what. I won't allow them taking her and use her as they did to me. She has not done any wrong and she dose not deserve this. I came to realize that as I said i loved her and you did also, she regained her control of her body and mind for some minutes, enough time to save us." Said Bucky and looked down at the floor before looking at me.

"It's big enough for you to say that you love someone. So we both have feelings for her. Let's don't get to compete against each other who gets her. She may also not looking to get together with me, you or anyone else after twice getting dumped and cheated on. You were her first and she was my first, we both share a special bond with her." I said grabbing the shield and touched Bucky shoulder.

" Let's not get this between us, I don't care if she ends with you at the end Buck. Any of us two would not cheat on her or getting her hurt" I said with a smile and got a smile also from Buck before heading out with to the rest of the team.

(Hope point of view)

I had just woken up as they was getting wrapping it done. Everything became blurry i could not even have my eyes up without seeing everything moving in circle. I thought i heard a ship landing on the roof or in the ground not to long time.

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