Part 6 Flashback

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Sorry if I get something wrong and anything. Hope, Bucky and Steve are best friends since childhood. Both Steve and Bucky is in love with Hope but afraid to ruin the bond they already have with Hope. Hope is also have a thing for both of them, There was a time when Bucky and Hope slept together as Hope was getting over a break up and Bucky took her virginity. But they are best friends still and have nothing going between them two because of the war. Peggy dose not exist in my story. Hope is working same as Peggy dose in the real movie. Red skull and Zola is planing to kidnap both Bucky and Hope but it will come at other flashback. This is Hope having flashback remembering after she hit the ground by falling 2/3 stories.

Flashback Back in time year 1941-1943.

"Pick someone at your own size" said Bucky and beaten the guy that soon left us three standing there. Both me and Bucky just walked in too some bully beating Steve.

"You had to speak up risking getting beat up. Steve what had he talk about. Are you okey?" I said with a smile standing beside Bucky at the ally.

"I had it under control, you did not have to come out Hope" said Steve looking at me and adjusting his clothes after got up from the ground with a smile.

"Well what dose best friends. I can't let you getting beat up Steve" I said and picked up the papers that Steve dropped. Seeing his paper that

"Sometimes I'm think you like to get punched" said Bucky wearing his army suit.

"I had him on the ropes" said Steve back to Bucky.

"You know it's illegal to lie on the enlisted form. And seriously? Jersey?" I said looking at Steve as I looked on his papers.

"You get your orders?" said Steve looking at Bucky.

"The 107th" said Bucky

"Well Sergeant James Barnes, shipping out for England first thing tomorrow morning " said Bucky at kept looking at Bucky as we both did. And Bucky grabbed his arm around Steve's neck and my hand and all of us three walked out of the ally way.

I had a fling with both of them, I had lost my virginity to James and we were not a couple we were just best friend. I would always have some love to James as he was my first and same for Steve. I had not tell anyone except Steve about that night between me and James.

"Well than we need to go out this evening as it is our last time all three of us together, Get yourself cleaned up, Bucky tell Steve were we going tonight. I'm so exited" I said to both of them with a smile on my lips and grabbed James hand.

"To the future" said Bucky.

All of us three had got ourself cleaned and I told them I would meet them two there. I stood on the middle of the park waiting for him, I got myself dressed up and waited looking everywhere. A couple of the minute passed and I could see both coming to me. I smiled at them waving at them to show were I was and Bucky waving back at me with a smile coming with Steve.

"Hope!" said Bucky waving at me with a huge smile

"Hi Sweet" said Steve with a smile looking at me.

"Hi guys" I said with a smile

Bucky had his arm around me as we all thee went around the park looking at everything. I got my eyes at the scene were the show was about to start, I jumped and grabbing both Steve and Bucky by the hand ran to the showing, showing our way to the front so we both could look.

"Ladies and Gentlemen Mr Howard Stark" said the lady on the speakers. I had never been so exited to see the show.

Stark witnessed  demonstrating his  prototype which would be built by , with Stark enthusiastically claiming that with his technology he and his company were currently developing, automobiles of the future would not even have to touch the ground at all. As the demonstration went underway.

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