I love you, too

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Katya rolled her head around and groaned to herself, she could feel the needle still stuck into the top of her hand and could sense the EKG stickers they'd plastered all over her body.

The room felt cold and she could hear the faint foot steps from outside in the hall way and people muttering.

She didn't want to open her eyes yet - she could feel the bright flood lights above her already and didn't want to be blinded so she just laid there and grimaced a bit as she tried to rack her brain for any memories of what had happened and how she'd ended up here in the hospital in the first place.

While she was thinking to herself she heard the door click and someone slip into the room, the voice was familiar but muffled as they had a passing conversation with a nurse before shutting the door carefully and walking closer to Katya. Katya kept her eyes closed and exhaled shakily, listening for someone to speak - but no one did.

Instead, someone picked up Katya's hand gently and rubbed their fingers across her knuckles. Katya could hear them - a girl now, sniffling a bit and trying not to cry - and then Trixie spoke.

"I don't know why and I don't know how but I don't care, because I know this feeling is genuine... Katya..."

she spoke softly:

"I love you..."

she whispered.

Katya furrowed her brows, confused for a moment - she opened her eyes carefully and looked up at Trixie who had her eyes closed and had shed a tear which was now racing down her cheek.

"I love you, too..."

Katya managed to choked out a bit in response to Trixie.

Trixie opened her eyes widely and looked down and gasped at Katya's reply.

"Oh my god..."

Katya raised an eyebrow and tried to sit up but Trixie quickly stopped her and told her to stay still incase she still had an healing injuries.

"Hold on I'll go get a nurse - "

Katya stopped Trixie and asked,

"Wait, what am I doing here?"

Trixie looked back and frowned, she wandered back towards Katya and kneeled down to explain to Katya what had happened.

Katya was in an accident, she had been in a coma for months.

Her dream was all a hallucination...

Katya did have a fracture but it was something the doctors dealt with and could help her with further if need be...

Katya just stared blankly for a moment and then looked back up at Trixie.

"So I've just been in a coma... all this time?"

Trixie nodded solemnly and held Katya's hand.

"I'm glad you're okay..."

Katya realized that she was slowly beginning to forget little things about her supposed dreamscape and held Trixie's hand firmly.

"So you don't actually love me like I thought you did..."

Katya mumbled to herself.

Trixie furrowed her brows in confusion and titled her head.


Katya shook her head and dropped Trixies hand,

"Nothing - I uhm, could you get... my mom - and a nurse, please..."

Trixie nodded and kissed Katya's forehead softly.

"Of course."

Katya watched as Trixie walked back out the door and went to retrieve a nurse and Katya's mom. Katya sat back and gently felt the back of her head, her hair somewhat a mess and her skull and skin still a bit fragile and bruised, Katya could feel some stitches as well.

She sniffled to herself and looked back at the door, was this a do-over... a reward or a punishment?

She couldn't tell.

{ A/N: Well ain't that a doozy hey? (Also I'm trying to finish this book by September bc I start me new job and it's a really important job so idk if I will be continuing any writing on her unfortunately )): - Lex }

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