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Katya didn't know what was happening - at first she'd felt fine, like she could handle an outing and socializing and make it through a few hours of having to see Trixie.

But then... Jess was there - and Trixie was beautiful, and everyone was so ecstatic and joyful and positive and happy and well... Katya simply: was not.

She walked away from the table after Jess started off with her whole "I guess I didn't mean that much after all" bullshit. She sighed and rubbed her forehead as she approached Violet and Pearl, Pearl opened her arms and hugged Katya, holding her close while they waited for Trixie to make her way up to the front of the tea house.

Katya leaned back against the wall and crossed her arms; she glanced back at Jess who had her back to her and was picking at something on the table - not even watching or listening to Trixie as she introduced herself and the song.

Katya rolled her eyes to herself and looked up at Trixie sporting all that pink as she grabbed a black guitar from behind her and placed it over her shoulders and grinned at the crowd. She tried to focus on the singing but she knew her anxiety was even more heightened now after the altercation with Jess at the table.

Katya tried to focus on breathing and counting, she knew she needed to calm down and just get through Trixie's song - and then she could pack up her art and leave and never have to face them ever again.

As she listened to the lyrics she could feel her chest get heavier and the tears burning at her eyes, she wondered how Trixie could have ever given up on her but then she remembered: she was fractured and Irreparable. She was permanently different and not the girl Trixie had learned to love.

Katya's chest felt tense now and heavier,
She recalled the doctors warnings to monitor her blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety but by the time she'd thought about this the song was slowly coming to an end and she could barely see out of one eye. She didn't want to be a burden or bother anyone though so she maintained her place against the wall and relaxed slightly, hoping that the feelings would pass.

Unfortunately, this was the wrong choice. Katya felt herself become faint and watched as Trixie stopped singing and made her way back down towards Jess and then: everything went black.

{ A/N: sorry for any errors, it's late but I'll fix this in the morning lol - is there anything specific you'd guys / y'all would like to see happen in this book ? }

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