He was aware that his staff had been walking around terrified of him all morning, but it wasn't his fault that suddenly most of them couldn't accomplish a simple task without having to redo it.

He knew he was being an asshole but hey! He had a weekend from hell; they should cut him some fucking slack and not be so stupid.

He had asked for the list of the builders the board had shortlisted for their new Whitmore project an hour back and now he was starting to think he should fire the entire bloody floor.

His self destructive thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and before he could allow the person to enter, the door flung open and in came a whoosh of bright pink.

"Why is it so awfully quite outside today?" Elle Whispered.

"Argh! Elle! My eyes! Why do you look so nauseating?"

"Well, hello to you too, brother."

"You know when you knock; you are supposed to wait to be allowed in."

"What is this? Military school?" Elle arched her perfectly shaped eyebrows up.

Ryan rolled his eyes at his younger sister's attempt at humor and picked up his phone.

"Send someone to fetch some butter cream cupcakes and have it sent inside right away!" Ryan barked in the phone.

Elle laughed at that and went around his huge brown oak table to hug him.

"Now that's more like it."

"But I did not come here for the cupcakes; I came here to demand your note of absence."

"A bit dramatic, don't you think?" Ryan inquired as he walked towards his bar to get her a bottle of water.

"No, I absolutely don't think so. Sunday mornings are family mornings and you know dad gets upset when you don't show up." She took the bottle of water from his extended hand and screeched in horror.

"Geez! Elle! I am sensitive to high pitched screams today, do you mind?"

"What happened to your hand?"


"Your knuckles are cut open, that's not nothing."

"You know I go for boxing. It happened there."

"Well, hello! They invented boxing gloves for a reason."

"I forgot them."

"Ryan you know I can tell when you lie. So quit the bullshit and tell me what happened?"

A knock on the door saved Ryan from answering that question; he definitely did not want his little sister to know about him getting into a street fight.

"That would be your cupcakes princess."

Elle thanked his secretary who looked like he was walking on a field of mines, poor guy she thought to herself.

"Ryan what happened to your hand? You know I won't leave until you tell me.

You got into a fight, didn't you?

Is that why you couldn't come on Sunday?

Omg! Are you hurt?

Is the other person still breathing?"

Ryan narrowed his eyes at her attempt of feigning concern.

She knew all too well that he wasn't hurt and he wouldn't hit anyone to death.

This was one of her sly ways of talking his ears off till he gives up and gives her what she wants.

"Quit the antics Elle." Ryan rolled his eyes.

The Wedding AffairWhere stories live. Discover now