Deep Sea Terror's

Start from the beginning

Hiccup is cautious for about three minutes before Kai just grabs his arm and drags him in closing the door behind him.

The back area wasn't anything exciting, but the front was full of blinking lights and two seats. Hiccup sat down on the right seat while Kai took the other one and started pressing buttons and flipping switches.

"Hey Pix could you open the hatch," Kai asks. "What's the password?" Pix's voice sounded making Hiccup jump a little. Kai rolls his eyes. "Can you please open the hatch?" Kai asks again and the floor under them began opening.

"Remember to be aware of your air supply Kai. The sub will automatically bring you up if you are at less than five percent. And please get your idiot boyfriends to work on my body reconstruction again," Pixel sounded annoyed at the last part.

"I will Pix its almost done," Kai said. "That's what they said last time," Her voice responded before dumping them in the water. "Body reconstruction?" Hiccup asks. "Yeah it's a long story," Kai answers vaguely.

They began going under and Hiccup was breathing heavily. "Calm down bro. I'm not a fan of the water either, but Pixal does routine maintenance on this thing and wouldn't let us out if there was even one gear out of place," Kai assures his brother.

Hiccup smiles at him crookedly. "I just, are we going to be okay?" Hiccup asks. "Yep, don't worry I drive and you enjoy yourself okay?" Kai grabbed two sticks and turns them. The headlights turned on and Kai pushes the wheel forward and the submarine moves forward.

Kai's POV

I keep glancing at Hiccup who was just looking around the sub and the ocean in awe.

"How does this work?" Hiccup asks me. I explained to him what I knew about it, but had to stress if he tries doing this himself I will drown him to save the trouble.

"What powers this?" Hiccup asks. "Well it kind of differs from sub to sub, but this one is powered by elemental energy," I explained. "What?" I put my hand on a blank table and heated up my hand. A screen shows that I had just charged it one percent. "It works faster with Jay's or Lloyd's powers, but it saves us from worrying about running out of power," I explain.

I push it down deeper and then there's some beeping from sonar. "What's that?" He asks. Looking I saw something approaching.

"Not sure, let's find out," I said going forward.

As we got closer Hiccup stands up and presses his face to the glass watching in fascination as a pod of sea shockers came into few.

I grin seeing him as we went through them. They paid us no mind and just floated by.

I continue on and every time we went past something Hiccup was in awe. From fish to dragons he was like a kid in a candy store. I named a few of the fish species we came across and Hiccup was writing it all down in a notebook he had on him.

"What's down there?" I looked where he was pointing and it was a trench I couldn't see the bottom of.

"It's a trench," I said. "Can we go down?" Hiccup asks. I think of all the see animals that live in the ninjago trenches and shiver. "There's probably nothing," I began, but Hiccup gave me this begging look.

"Ugh fine, but just quickly," I said and began driving down.

We got to the edge and I hesitated looking up to see we were pretty deep. "Come on Kai please this is my only chance to see deep sea dragons," Hiccup begs. I looked at the trench than our oxygen to see we still had enough for another two hours. "Fine," I relented and we went into the trench.

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