𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘧𝘵𝘭𝘺 » 𝘫𝘣.𝘳

Start from the beginning

"Sure, you greedy little monster." You retorted, placing the box on his coffee table and taking a seat at the couch. He followed suit, eyes widening as they landed upon two fresh blueberry muffins.

"Aw. All for me? You shouldn't have." He teased, voice muffled by the large bite he wasted no time in taking.

You smiled through a bite of your own blueberry muffin at his rush, focusing your attention on pulling on the wrapper to avoid bursting out into laughter.

Somehow, you ended up sitting in between John B's outstretched legs as he played with your hair, blanket draped over your laps as you nibbled on your muffins, watching some random sitcom on TV to push out the sound of the rain outside. It was nice to see John B appear happy, even if he was lost and hurting on the inside.

When he noticed you seemed to be entranced in your own thoughts, his hand rubbed your shoulder concerningly. "You okay?"

"Yep. Just thinking."

"Uh oh. That's never a good idea."

"Shut up." You mumbled through a small laugh, toying with the bracelet on John B's wrist that matched yours. "I better get going pretty soon. Promised Kie I'd help her clean her room. She's always finding ways to get me over there."

"You could always stay here, y'know. I think Kie can handle her room on her own." John B presumed.

"So you want me to bail on Kie so we can sit here and watch TV all day?" You asked, rewording his question for him so he could hear how unfair it sounded.

"We don't have to sit here and watch TV!" He suggested as if he had a long list of plans to get to. "We could make out or something."

You furrowed your eyebrows at his random proposal, but then again what else would you expect? "Really? And what would the 'or something' be?"

"We could uh... eat spaghetti Lady and the Tramp style? And we wouldn't even have to kiss!" The freckled boy shouted as he tried to get his point across. You stood up while looking down at him, arms crossed over your chest as a smile creeped its way onto your face.

"You're delusional. I seriously think the stench in here has been frying your brain— and you don't even know it!"

"No frying up here, ma'am." He argued, patting his head twice. "But I mean, have you never thought about it?"

"Thought about what?"

"Us. Together. Being more than friends."

Your mouth ran dry as you stood still, unsure of how to answer and unsure as to how the conversation took a turn so quickly. It had been on John B's mind for quite  some time, seeing as he's had plenty of time to sit around and be left with his thoughts. Something was up, he just needed some honesty.

"I don't have time to go into this right now. Kie's waiting on me."

As you made your way out the door and onto the porch, John B was hot on your heels and following you just as fast. "You keep running away from this conversation, Y/n!" He added. "Just stay this time. Please?"

Sighing, you stopped your path for the screen door as you turned around to face him, arms raising then dropping to your sides. "Fine! Maybe I have. But maybe I know you need a friend right now so I decided not to be selfish and let it be known."

"So, you didn't tell me because you thought it was selfish? But keeping that secret from me isn't?"

"You're going through the hardest time of your life right now. I couldn't tell you. I couldn't tell you that I've had feelings for you way before this all even happened." You expressed, voice much softer as you hoped he would receive it better.

"So? What if I feel the same way?"

"John B... I don't want you to feel the same way just because love feels better than grief. I don't want you to have feelings for me just because it's easier."

"Well I can tell you this isn't a new development of mine either. We've always acted like a couple without really being one. And I just need to know what's going on. Everything is so confusing these days."

"I know." You muttered sympathetically, taking his hand in yours. "You need time to process things. To heal."

"Us being together won't stop that."

"You can't say that for sure." You argued, tugging on his arm a little to try to get him to look you in the eyes. Just so he could know that you meant it. And to no avail. So you held his cheek in the other hand. "But I'll still be here, every step of the way alright? Nobody said you had to go through it alone. And maybe when it's all said and done, we can be together. But we have to be willing to put that on hold right now."

As you vented, the hopeful gleam in his eyes shined a little bit brighter. "You'll wait for me? That could take forever, Y/n. I can't ask you to do that."

"I'll wait for however long it fucking takes, Routledge." You confessed, tone breathless as you emphasized every word. "I've already got my mind made up, so there's no stopping me now."

The boy wrapped his fingers around your wrist, pressing his lips to the skin gently. "You're stubborn. You know that?"

"So I've been told." Your thumb brushed across his freckled cheek as you grinned.

"Don't you have a room to clean?" John B questioned, reminding you of your previous commitment.

"Right! Kie's gonna wonder where the hell I am. I'll say traffic."

"Alright. Drive safe." JB spoke warmly in your ear as you embraced him, kissing his cheek before pulling away.

"I will!" You shouted over your shoulder, jogging down the steps off the porch. "See you soon! But I'll talk to you sooner!"

"Oh, Y/n?" He called out, frame leaning against the open doorway of the porch as he watched you stop in your tracks at the sound of his voice. "Bring double blueberry muffins next time for my troubles."

He laughed as you shot your middle finger in the air towards him, only wearing a matching smile on your face.

"We'll see, no promises, though!" You jeered, knowing good and well that you'd be bringing four blueberry muffins to the Chateau next week. If he asked for a camel or a rock from the Grand Canyon, you'd most likely bring that too.

Though there was no countdown timer on how long one could grieve, only time would tell how long it would be until you two would be together. And no matter how long; what counted was that you both knew it would be well worth the wait.

𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now