She snapped back in.

"Oh yeah of course love you!" J forced a smile.

"Mhm..." i pulled out my phone as she closed my door.


Naruto: hey?

Naruto: sasukeeeeee

Naruto: oi! Don't ignore me🙄

Naruto: damn teme!

Sasuke: huh? I was asleep.

Naruto: oh! Sorryyy

Naruto: but we can meet up early.

Sasuke: k uhm where

Naruto: erm can I just get ur address?

Sasuke: sure ig...**********W****

Naruto: OH! that's a block away from me! Be there soon


Naruto walked down the stairs pulling in his convers. He opened the door and started running down the street turning the corner. He stopped running when he saw the house in sight.

Sasuke walked outside and sat on the ledge of the porch. He look to the side to see a small blond haired boy walking down the sidewalk.

Naruto saw sasuke and they locked eyes. Naruto blushed when he saw sasuke, but acted like it's from the heat.

Sasuke of course too notice to the fact that his face got bright red and furrowed his eyes brows in confusion.

He watched the boy stop infront of his house. He stood up and walked infront of him.

"Erm...h-hi I'm naruto." He stuttered out.

"Sasuke nice to meet you." Sasuke said stepping off the steps completely infront of Naruto now. Sasuke looked around before placing his eyes back in naruto.

"Anything to do around here?" He asked looking straight into narutos blue hypnotic eyes.

Niether of them dared to break the eye contact.

"Yeah, there's an arcade!" Naruto said throwing his hands up in the air, shocking sasuke. Sasuke grabbed his arms and pulled them down.

"Ok, ok don't get over exited." Sasuke chuckled. He took noticed of how soft and warm narutos skin was. He stopped looking at naruto, then let go.

Naruto looked away a bright bunk tinting his cheeks but not enough to notice.

"Oh right...the arcade." Sasuke whispered. Naruto was close enough to hear.

"Or you could always introduce me to your family, considering I am your first friend."  Naruto chimed in.

"Yeah I guess. But don't plan on getting me to be friends with more people. You're already enough." Sasuke said. "I'm just not a big fan of, we'll people.."

Naruto scoffed and rolled his eyes in a playful manner. He pulled sasuke onto the porch and infront of the door.

"By all means lead the way." He said patting sasuke on the back.

Sasuke reached for the handle and slowly opened the door. He walked in with Naruto following behind him. He turned towards the stairs, before shooting a glance at naruto. Naruto saw this and smiled following him sheepishly.

When they got up the stairs Naruto saw a long hallway with doors. Sasuke walked to the 2nd door out of the spaced out 4. Naruto assumed it was his and went in aswell.

"So naruto who should I avoid here." Naruto smirked.

"Honestly?" He asked, sasuke nodded.

"The girls, all of them in general. They get terribly annoying. God, y'know I used to get a confession letter ever week! It's so hard to reject them." Naruto said waving his arms around. Sasuke chuckled at his actions.

"I don't know if you've heard, but I guess you could say I don't swing that way." Naruto looked at sasuke.

"Yeah I know. And I'm one of the people it's fine to say that to. But don't go around randomly saying it here." Sasuke raised an eyebrow and that new finding that naruto wasn't homophobic.

"What do u mean." He asked intrigued.

"The homophobia here isn't just the typical of your disgusting or bullying." Naruto said ruffling his hand through his hair.

"A kid 2 years ago in are freshman year. He came out." Naruto took a long breath, "they beat death...they said it was an accident but the pipe the used caused bleeding in his brain." Naruto explained.

"So i keep quiet and i keep my life?" Sasuke questioned. Naruto chuckled at sasuke.

"Yeah something like that." He responded.

"I think I can defend myself."

"Yeah, I bet you can too. I also bet that it'll make it harder when you start to run a business." Naruto smirked and sat down on sasukes bed laying down. He grabbed a pillow and threw it at sasuke.

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