Kabir:- (mummers) your effect!.

Ridhima:- what?

Kabir :- nothing,, go in pls.

She went in changed his dressing and gave him an injection.

And was turning back to exit the room when felt a hand around her wrist. .

She turned around and smiled unknowingly.

Vansh was in his senses.

Vansh:- promise?

Ridhima:- let me go! You will be told about it by bhai.. For now take care and don’t exert much.

Vansh ( in a stern voice) :- tell it yourself or else.

Ridhima:- or else what?

Vansh:- I will scratch my dressing and open it. (😏😏)

Ridhima was shocked listening to him.

Ridhima:- are you insane?

Vansh:- yes or no!.

Ridhima:- no!.

Vansh :- then.

He was just approaching his hands towards his chest when she held them.

And shouted!.

Ridhima:- are you truly insane!. Idiot!.


Vansh :- why are you so caring for me!…. Ms. Mo…

(Cutting him) .

Ridhima:- I know your word… So just shut up,! I will tell you the truth and Fulfill the promise but don’t dare to repeat this nonsense action of yours again!.

( angry and stern).

Vansh pov

I know sweetheart, you still love and care for me…

But my ego and your stubbornness will not let us reconcile… So now this game of this truth and stubbornness and ego will end today with the truth that you will say.

Pov ends.

Ridhima pov.

How should I tell you the truth .I can’t even manipulate it, it will get more complicated .I think now it’s time to reveal the truth.

Pov ends.

Vansh:- call everyone in and start!.

Ridhima:- why why is it bioclass that everyone needs to understand what I am teacher it’s only between me and you no need to entangle others!

Vansh:- what if I would be at mistake then I would not like to repeat the same story of yours in front of the family so that a that you call them in so that we will hear your actions story at once .

Ridhima:- don’t you think you are acting oversmart! (🙃).

Vansh:- I know I am smart , no need to tell me.

Ridhima:- i am not.

Vansh:- you will!.

Ridhima:- but!

Vansh:- or.

Ridhima:- ok ok.

She calls them in and in sign language telling Kabir that he wants everyone in.

Everyone gets in and was happy seeing him fine but we’re confused too seeing their reactions.

Dadi was near vansh talking to him about his health while,

Kabir and ridhima were standing on the other side while rest were on the other side.

Ridhima Wispers in kabir’s ears.

Ridhima:- before I start, please cut a apple for me and him… Because I need energy and he needs something to keep his anger in control.

Both giggle.

Kabir:- ok. (Giggling).

Kabir goes and sits on the sofa with a apple and a knife in hand. 😂.

That’s all for today’s guys.

Thank you so much for co-operating.

-how was the episode?

-what is the truth?

Pls do answer and comment and silent readers pls do comment, at least a emoji would also wrk.

word count:- 1130words!


I have started an OS book!
Would be happy, if you shower the same love on that one tooo!
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Thank u for reading!


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