We got there and as i opened the door i found Katerina on the floor folding some clothes with a smile on her face as she saw Nico and me, I walked in as i shut the door and took off my shoes as i say down next to Katerina and gave her a kiss and she kissed me back.

"Amor" i said to her as i played with nico
She hummed yes in response

"Guess what" i told her

"Que paso?" She asked as she turned around and sat next to me on the floor

"We are going on vacation" i told her as a smile appeared on her face as she jumped into my arms and Nico followed

"Really? Where?When?" she said with an excited tone

"To Hawaii" i replied

"Ou Hawaii sounds fun, What are going to Hawaii for?" She asked me sounding more and more intrigued

"We Are gonna go visit my mom" i replied with a smile

"Leonardo, I cannot meet your mother ,what if she hates me?" She said

I placed both of my hands on her shoulders as I reassured her that my mother is excited to meet her and Nico and that she already loves them.

-3 Days Later-

Katerina's POV

"I can't believe she actually slept throughout the whole flight" I told Leonardo as Nico was fast asleep in her stroller as we got out of the plane and started walking towards the car

"Romero, How have you been?" Leonardo said as he walked up to his mom's driver who was named Romero, They seem to be some very good friends i could tell as they greeted each other with a hug as i walked over with the stroller to greet him
"It is amazing to finally meet you, Leonardo tells me a lot about you" he said a smile as we walked up to the car as he greeted everyone else
I grabbed nico from her stroller and sat into the car with her and I placed her in her carseat as Leonardo followed behind me with Zeus,King and aurora and sat in the car as we started to drive and it was quiet for a few minutes before i look up at leonardo since i could feel him staring at me 

"Yes?" i asked him with a little smile on my face
"Nothing just admiring how beautiful you are" He said as i leaned in to give him a kiss
I moved closer to him to lay my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around me and nico.

-40 Minutes later-

Nico has been awake for around 20 to 15 minutes now and she has been staring outside that whole time as she was sitting in her car seat, we finally started to slow down as i noticed us approaching some gates, We stopped in front of the gates as Romero buzzed into the intercom

"Hey Boss it's Me" Romero said as i heard a voice say back

"Dammit romero stop calling me boss" She said with a stern voice

"Love ya now please open the gates, Leonardo is so excited to his mommy" he said with a sarcastic tone as we all laughed and the gates started to open and we drove in

We drove up a small hill before arriving at this Huge and Beautiful beachfront mansion, We kept driving Up to the front door and as we all got out of the cars we heard the doors open and it was leonardo's Mom rushing out of the doors as i saw a German shepherd come running too from behind her and as soon as he noticed Leonardo he got extremely hyper and while he was jumping all around Nicolette started giggle as me and Leonardo laughed

His mom came up to us and greeted us before coming in front of me and Nicolette who was in her stroller playing with her doll

"You must be katerina and Precious little Nicolette" she said with an amazing smile as she hugged me super tight as i struggled to hug her back and i just laughed

"Katerina Honey, You look just like your mom, Maybe even her twin"She said with a smile as she kissed my cheek as showed us inside

I was in Awe as I followed her inside,Admiring how beautiful the inside of the house was.
"Your house is Gorgeous" I told her as she rubbed my back and smiled

"Oh this old thing, I've had it for almost 10 years and it still amazes me but thank you katerina" she said with a smile as i nodded and followed her to the living room as she took nicolette out of her stroller and placed her on the playmat in front of the couch as everyone gathered around and took a spot on the couch as they all started to catch up with each other.

-3 Hours Later-

I look down and noticed Nicolette Fast asleep as i got up and Put her in my Arms

"Oh she must have gotten tired from playing with the dogs" i said with a smile as i picked up sleeping nicolette as Leonardo's mom got up and showed us to Me and Leonardos room where she placed a crib for Nico next to the bed

I walked inside and placed nico in the crib as me and Rose sat down to talk about life for a little while

-1 hour later-

I was about to speak as we heard a knock on the door
"Come in" Rose said as we both looked at the door

"Hey ma, Mind if i talk to katerina for a bit" Leonardo said as he came into the room as rose nodded as she walked out and leonardo walked over to where rose was sitting as he pulled me closer to him as i laid my head on his shoulders
"She Absolutely Adores you and Nicolette. You know that, Right?" he said as he kissed my forehead

"You like Hawaii So far?" He asked me while playing with my hands

"Yeah it's really peaceful Here" I told him as i Got up to fix Nico's blanket in her crib

He Came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist while placing his chin on my shoulder and i rubbed his cheek

"Yeah it is Pretty Peaceful Here" He said


Hey Guys <3

Hope u guys liked the chapter and Thanks to you guys that actually continue reading even after i don't update it for a month , Love ya <3

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