i love you

238 3 0

The one where Shawn tells you he loves you.

You were sitting on the couch in his apartment, it was a small but fancy place. Shawn was laying in between your legs while you played with his hair, which was one of his favourite things.

"I'm telling you, I can hit the high note in God is a woman" you said as your hands brushed through Shawn's hair.

"Y/n, you can't. There is no way" he said chuckling.

"What makes you think I can't do it?"

"I've heard you sing before, there is no way you could hit that note without training. And I hate to break it to you, but you're not a professional singer, I am" he says laughing.

You gasped and took one of your hands out of his hair to place on your chest and pretend to be insulted. "I could be a professional singer if I wanted to, I just choose not to" you said with a hint of sass behind your voice.

Shawn laughed at your comment and patter your leg for reassurance "sure you can".

Your conversation continued on about the music industry and Shawn talked about the logistics of getting a singing contract and creating music.

You yawned dramatically to let Shawn know that he was boring you. He chuckled and stopped talking. His hand was on your leg and he was drawing circles on it with his fingers.

It was quiet in the apartment but that didn't bother you. You two could sit in a room together and have it be completely silent and still enjoy every second of each others' company.

You were 5 months into the relationship and it was at the point where it was getting more serious. This was your first relationship since your breakup with your boyfriend of 4 years and so you were cautious and wanting to take things slow.

Your previous relationship was very toxic and you weren't sure if you would ever recover from it. It created a lot of trust issues for you and you always worried that those would carry over into this relationship, even though Shawn was the most caring person you had met, you still worried.

You also worried a lot about whether you were right for him. You weren't famous, you weren't a singer, you just happened to have crossed paths. You didn't understand all that came with the fame, and you were worried that would make things difficult. These thoughts would happen often but you usually just tried to push them away.

The two of you sat there in silence for a while, just thinking to yourselves.  Your hands still in Shawn's hair, running your fingers through it, and Shawn still drawing and rubbing on your legs.

"Auuuhhhhhhauuhhhhh" you started to screech, attempting to hit Ariana's high note in God is a woman. Shawn started laughing uncontrollably as did you.

"Y/n, I- I can't believe you tried to do it" Shawn said in between laughs.

"I had to try it, and I think I nailed it actually" you said grinning wide.

Shawn laughed again. "But our conversation ended minutes ago, why now?"

"I wanted to catch you off guard, I figured you'd be more surprised by it"

Shawn chuckled and looked up at you. "Surprised is an understatement". He looked back down, staring out in front of him. "You really are something, aren't ya?" Shawn said quietly, somewhat under his breath. "That's why I love you".

You stopped brushing your fingers through Shawn's hair as those words came out of his mouth. You could tell Shawn was also surprised by his choice of words because the circles on your legs stopped.

A wave of emotions hit you and you felt a feeling of relief almost. You had been feeling this way for a while but was afraid to tell him. You didn't know if he'd be ready to say it back, or if he would say it just because you said it but to have him say it first was a huge relief.

"I love you too" you said quietly.

Shawn sat up and turned around so that he was facing you.

"You love me?" He said softly, in a surprised sort of way.

"I love you. I love you Shawn" you smiled at him and reached your hands out to grab his.

Shawn held your hands and gave them a squeeze before leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on your lips. Your hands broke away from his to place them on his face and kiss him harder. Your lips moved together as the kiss got harder and your fingers made their way up to Shawn's hair to brush your hands through.

After a few minutes of gentle, yet hard kissing, your mouths disconnected and you put your forehead against his. This man was in love with you, and you were in love with him. You felt safe and warm and happy, which was something you weren't sure you would feel again. It was a great relief to know that Shawn felt this way and that you could tell him that. You wished this moment could last forever.

You pulled away from Shawn to look at him, only to see a grin as wide as yours plastered across his face.

You moved over so Shawn could sit beside you and after he did, you placed your head on his shoulder and he held your hand.

To some people, saying I love you isn't a big deal, but to you it was everything.

A/n: okay let me know your thoughts on this. I liked it a lot, I'm not so fond of the ending but I didn't know how to end it so I just kept it at this. If you have any suggestions please do let me know (as I am new to this) and if you have any requests please also let me know. Thanks <3

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