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-fast forward to two days before y/n & Hange's "just the two of us"-

"She's just in college, right? Just in college. She's just somewhere for college." I mumbled, walking away.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" a familiar voice yelled from behind me as I walk away.

My feet stopped in my tracks, I didn't want to look back. The sound of footsteps began to approach me to which I inhaled deeply.

I turned in my heels, my eyes pinned through the person. "Wrong? With me??" my voice came out louder than I planned to.

"Move on..." they took a deep breath, "Y/n, we have to keep moving forward." it wasn't a yell anymore, it was rather a nonchalant tone.

The wind blew as the silence fell upon us. Air was the only thing that filled the eight feet gap between us. My eyes stared down the ground while my vision became more blurry as tears started to form. I couldn't think of any response, but my mind flowed with questions as to why this person needed to say those words when they know me very well.

"I'm sorry, but we have to move on. Everyone's already happy, you should too." the person trailed.

I shut my eyes close to try and find the words I wanted to say. Looking back in front, my eyes trailed behind them seeing all my friends standing there, all worried. A tear slid down my cheek.

"Just because all of you moved on doesn't mean I moved on too." my voice broke.

"Y/n, it's been 12 years-" they were cut off by me.

"12 years and I haven't moved on. 12 fucking years, Hange." my voice were visibly shaking. I tend to wipe my tears.

"I-It still hurts, Hange"

My knees collided with the rough cement, yet I didn't mind if it hurts. My whole body trembled as I start to extremely snivel. My chest felt like there's a kid jumping up and down on it like a trampoline because of how hard it became to breathe.

Hange didn't waste no time to run to me, as well as the others. They did the same position like mine in front of me and held me tight in their comfort. I clenched their clothes from the back and continued to breakdown on their shoulder. The fabric was getting soaked with my tears. All of them were surrounding us, I could feel multiple hands gently caressing my back to calm me down.

My attention landed to Nanaba, she was behind Hange facing me. Despite the blurry vision of mine due to the tears hovering my eyes, I knew it was her. "Why does is still hurts, Nanaba?" my tone sounded fragile.

The voice that was escaping my mouth were in pain. Pure pain.

"I'm- I'm sorry" I muttered weakly.

A small gasp emitted my mouth. Dream. It was all a dream, yet it all felt real.

My eyes blinked multiple times as I adjust my perception. There was a towel covered on my face and my arm above it so it won't fly away. I felt my back against a grass, my hand reached for the towel on my face. The bright light of the sky caused me to squint my eyes.

"Y/n?" a warm voice entered my ear.

"Hm?" my hands touched the grass as I tried to sit up, it rested beside me. I soon realized that Armin was the one who called, we were still resting in the sports field. But Mikasa, Nanaba, and Hange wasn't here, as well as Levi, Erwin, Miche, Connie and Jean.

Wednesdays were our P.E day after chemistry and business. Meaning, it's our last period. Our coach gave us a rest time first before shower so I slept for the time being.

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