Mew opened his eyes perplexed by the move. Donald stepped away with a judging look.

"See why you guys won't work out?"

"Phi," Mew felt goosebumps from anger and mortification as he stepped away from the wall.

"If I hadn't been Gulf's father you would have gotten back together with me then what would've happened to my son?"


"I never want to see you near my son again. This time I mean it."

"Phi wait,"

"He is going to kill himself Nong, because he can't reject you he'll just keep on punishing himself until he can't take it anymore. He's done it once who's to say he won't do it again? I lost his mother I can't lose him Nong. Please stay away."

Donald was still feeling upset so he went straight to the hospital. He hadn't seen Gulf ever since Friday. He had gone to see him on Saturday but was denied access. He went back Sunday but they wouldn't let him see his son. Finally Monday, they relented and let him see Gulf.

As soon as he came in Gulf woke up.

"Pa, what are you doing here?" He wasn't pleased to see the man.

"Why? Why are you doing this to yourself?"

"Pa," Gulf was surprised by the anger in father's eyes.

"I understood the first time. I'm trying to but this time I just can't. If it's painful to see him don't see at all. Why is it that hard?"

"Can't you just be supportive?"

"If you knew what you wanted I would've supported you. But you don't know what you want. You're stuck with the guilt of your mother's death and you can't move on, isn't that the reason why you wanted to revenge? But look where you are now."

"So are you blaming me for all this?"

"Gulf...Son, this is your life and this is your heart. If you seriously loved him you wouldn't be going through all this. You would've disregarded everything-


-I disregarded my marriage Gulf, even when my wife died I couldn't leave him. That's how much I loved him. Love is not like this. Love is feeling like you'd die if you don't have him by your side. Love is jumping on the first train and running away because you can't lose him. What you're feeling is not love. You're just trapped in the web you created yourself."

"Don't determine what I'm feeling."

"Do you even know what you're feeling? You don't even know. We can't protect you or support you like this."

In the heat of the moment Gulf said, "I had sex with him."

But Donald was not fazed. "I had sex with your mother, got married, had you, raised you up and i still came out as gay."

"And is that something to be proud of?"

Donald ignored him, "Your whole life is not determined by one silly encounter."

"Are those words meant for you?" Gulf was wasn't backing down. He talked back when he got the chance to and that led Donald to cross the line.

"Mew hasn't moved on," he said with a sigh. "The person you're desperately trying to end your life over isn't over his last relationship that's why you guys can't be together."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Gulf could feel his heart break from what was about to come out of his father's mouth.

"He carved in when I brought up our past. He still falters when I bring up the past. He trembles when I stand close to him. He isn't ready for you."

"What did you do?" Gulf could feel heat rising from deep within him.

"That's why I'm telling you he's not worth it."

Gulf's angry tears made an appearance, "You only care about yourself until the end. It's all about you. Why would you go to see him? Why would you shake him like that?"

Donald unconsciously stepped forward, "I'm trying to protect you."

"No you're trying to protect yourself. Otherwise you would've been supporting me in this journey. Not trying to jeopardize my life like this."

"What journey? A Revenge journey that's full of confusion?"

"Get out," Gulf demanded with an exhausted voice.


"GETOUT!!!" He screamed and Donald was shocked.

"This is all your fault, get out. GET OUT!!!"

Gulf threw his pillow at the man, "Get Out!!!" He kept on screaming and the nurses came running. They escorted the man outside but Gulf wouldn't calm down.

His heart was breaking. He tore the buttons on his hospital shirt trying to hold his chest.

"I hate you!" He screamed as the nurses tried inject a sedative to calm him down. He thrashed around crying and screaming.

When the nurses finally injected him, Gulf slowly calmed down.

Why was he going through all this?
Why was he the only one suffering?
Should he have stayed away?

He asked himself as he slowly drifted.

What's the purpose of revenge when he was the only one in pain?

A lonely tear escaped his eye and his body went limp.

I swear I'm going to make them pay!

He promised as he succumbed to darkness.

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