With a deep breath she put out a thought that the ones she hadn't ensnared were the ones standing in the way of their happiness, their freedom. A wave of self disgust nearly swamped her, but she held strong. Though inside she was crying, she hardened herself as she watched the chaos that ensured down in the city.

The first she dragon and some of the guards she'd come back with guarded her and Dani, as did the ones the dragon prince had set for them. They too watched with dispassion as the city erupted into chaos. As some dragons tried to fly out of the valley and were stopped by the city guards.

It disturbed her to see that a dragon fight was a beautiful thing to see from afar. Their multi coloured  radiance played off beautifully against the golden city background. They took flight in majesty, their battles seeming to be a complex choreographed dance. They grappled with intense passion, their strength unmistakable and mesmerizing. 

With another deep breath she turned away from the chaos she was glad she couldn't hear the sound of. Within the wards of the castle, she'd managed to snare a fair number of the guards and she was ready to confront the dragon prince. Since she had yet to meet the guy, she let the guards with her lead the way.

As they came to a hallway that was lined with guards,  Cari's heart leapt. A dance that brought all the primal power she had to the fore. The instincts that were said to have governed her people in the early days. Her sight became better, her sense of smell compounded like she'd never experienced before.

Individual scents became distinct, telling her all she needed to know about them. For the first time Cari experienced the oneness with her wolf that was the trademark of her people. Their thoughts were one, their purpose. They wanted to rip the throat of the dragon prince.

His scent was embedded into the very walls of this hallway. This was his wing, his power crackled in the very air they were breathing. The stench she remembered within the barrier that'd kept her and Dani within the castle. Had it existed deeper in the mountain beyond the library?

Besides his scent though, were ones she knew. Werewolf scents. Her mate had passed through here with her brother, cousin, Annie, two royal guards and a reaper. Had the reaper kidnapped them for the dragon prince too? She grit her teeth at that thought. It was time to end this once and for all.

It was bad enough that the dragon had kidnapped her and Dani, but to enslave Dani to him, to kidnap her mate and loved ones? She was going to make him suffer! As long as he was tied to Dani, Cari couldn't kill him but she could do some unpleasant things that'd have him wishing for death.

None of the guards made an issue of their presence. Probably because they knew she and Dani were their unwilling guests. Cari was sure the room they'd woken up in was close by. Which meant the guards had to think they were being brought before the prince. She hadn't managed to entrance any of them and the alarm from the city had yet to reach the castle so they stood at ease. If warriors on guard could be at ease.

When the door was opened before her, her eyes sought and found her mate. He stood in the middle of what looked like a training arena holding a broadsword that for some reason was white. His back was to her, all his focus on his opponent but Cari knew he was aware of her.

All she wanted was to rush to him, to be enveloped in his arms. Yet she knew she couldn't distract him anymore than she had. Her gaze shifted to the male Andre was facing, the one she assumed was the dragon who'd kidnapped her and Dani.

She looked up at the dragon prince. At the arrogance that was stamped into his face. She took in the smug cast of his lips, the assurance that glinted in his eyes and the way he stood puffed up. His back straight with that arrogance as he looked down his nose with his chin too high.

Cari became a bubbling cauldron of rage. How dare he act like he was entitled to them? As if it was still the dark ages and the dragons could trade and keep them as they willed. "Good timing little wolf." The dragon said without looking their way. "Your prince and I agreed to fight for the honour of being your mate."

"And let me guess, I get to be flattered and go with whoever wins?" Dani derided.

The dragon smiled, a delighted one, though he kept his eyes on Andre. Cari could sense her mate's confusion. She wished she could mind link to him, just to feel his touch in any way possible. It felt like they were just a breath away from that all important connection, just out of reach.

It was painful to have him so close and yet still feel separated. To be so close enough to touch him but know they were in too much danger to risk it. How would the dragon react when he realized he'd bound Dani instead of her? Would it be better to let him believe Dani was her until they escaped?

"Still love your feistiness little wolf." The dragon replied with amusement.

"Then it won't come as a surprise that I have no intention of having anything to do with you." Dani countered.

He smiled, unaffected by that declaration. "A dragon bond is naturally stronger." He stated. "And your prince will never win, not against me."

"Your arrogance will be your downfall." Andre informed in his quiet, deep voice. "You've already made too many mistakes but are too full of yourself to realize it."

Without any warning, the dragon attacked. Cari balled her fists and felt an inrush of elemental power that nearly unbalanced her. Like every other werewolf, she could borrow the attributes of the elements but couldn't manifest them. They could balance them enough to call upon the spirit but still never call flames or shift the earth.

Now though, she felt the earth shift beneath her. She felt flames burning through her blood saw their embers tracing her hands and the air seemed to swirl about her, in her lungs. She could even feel the flow of the sea that lay deep under the mountains they stood upon.

It was like her senses were ramped up even more. With a deep breath, she felt a wave of calm wash over her. It didn't negate how angry she was, but she became clear headed, analytical. Her eyes traced the movements of the fight as Andre engaged the dragon prince.

Her mate flowed against the more aggressive movements of the dragon, he was graceful, like a dancer who merely held a sword. Yet his movements were deadly, precise. There wasn't a wasted move. All the while they all stood still and watched. Cari had come in with the intent of fighting the prince herself but now she was having to stand down.

The last thing she wanted was to undermine her mate but still she needed to tear into the dragon. The drive to fight was too strong. Another breath calmed her even more. Even her wolf calmed and chose to wait patiently. She'd set things in motion and it was inevitable that she'd soon join the fight.

Her Second Chance✔ (To be published)Where stories live. Discover now