TO ALUBARNA!//Chapter 46

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"That cocky little.." Faythe sighed before seeing that Lung Cancer was still here. She looked up to see them start another back up plan.

"We've lost quite a bit of time... Can we still make it, Vivi!?" Sanji asked.

"I don't know." She answered honestly.

"Nami, do you still have that perfume you bought at Nanohana?" Sanji raised his curly brow.

"Hm? Yes, but why?" Nami tied her wet hair back up.

"Put some on right now."

"Like this?" Nami sprayed herself on her neck and collarbone, the perfume was so strong that it could be smelled by Faythe who wasn't even close to her.

"Ahhhhh! I'd follow your scent to even hell itself!" Sanji swooned, doing his wiggle dance.

"Fine, then go to hell already. Seriously." Zoro commented.

"RORONOA!" Lung Cancer came out of nowhere with his weapon pointed at Zoro. Fortunately, Zoro blocked it with his sword, only inches to his face

"What reason do you have for saving me?" Lung Cancer demanded.

"I was only following my Captain's orders... There's really no need for thanks. It was just one of his whims. Don't think too much on it." Zoro flicked the weapon away as he stated his action earlier.

"Then... You don't have any complaints if I arrested you right now...?" Lung Cancer took a step back.

"See what I mean! This is what happens when you rescue a marine!" Sanji sighed annoyed.

"Ah! But I think being arrested is gonna make it difficult to save Alabasta..!" Faythe called out, "So I say not thank you."

Faythe turned her head to some marines down the street seeing them.

"Straw-Hat Luffy is here!?"

"Yeah, and I also saw Smoker with him too!"

"Let's go back up the Captain!"

"Gather the troops!"

"Yes, Sir!"

Usopp and Luffy screaming as soon as they wake up startled Faythe while she was listening to the hollering marines.

"ALRIGHT FULL SPEED AHEAD TO ALUBARNA!" Usopp held his fist in the air.

"Oh, they finally woke up." Nami thought out loud.

"WHERE'S CROCODILE!?" Luffy was looking around angrily until he spotted Smoker in front of him, "AGHHH! IT'S SMOKIE! YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME TOO!?"

"OH CRAP! Luffy, NO! Let's just run away instead!" Usopp was running towards Luffy trying to stop him.

Luffy and Lung Cancer just stared at each other, squaring each other.

But Lung Cancer broke first.



"Just this once... I'll look the other way..."

"The next time we meet, consider your life forfeit, Straw-Hat Luffy..."

Faythe put a mental note to add this part in her writing.


"Come on, let's go before the marines get here! Which way's Alubarna!?" Sanji called out as he and the crew ran ahead.

"This way! We have to head East!" Vivi took the lead in the running.

"Hey Luffy, Faythe! What're you two doing? We've gotta get going!" Zoro called out.

Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Piece) Book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang