Future Foundation

Start from the beginning

Tengan sighed and stared at me "What are the things you need to do?" I looked back at him "first, I need to find my little sister. I have an idea where she is though. After that I want to find where some of my friends went. Then I want to find my classmates and knock some sense into them." Tengan nodded "Those things would align with a few of our objectives, so why wont you join us?" I looked at him "To be completely honest with you, I dont trust your future foundation. I may know many of the leaders here, but many have ulterior motives, and your members seem to have a superiority issue when it comes to outsiders. Other than that, the way you operate is questionable. You may have a noble goal, but the way you do it is less than ideal." Tengan sighed and nodded "I see.... We wont be able to change how we operate, so I wont be able to meet your standards. However, I hope we will be able to cooperate with each other in the future." I nodded "that would be more Ideal" 

The room was silent for a while, until Tengan spoke "So, is there anything else we should discuss before you leave?" I nodded "yes, I'm going to be securing the old hopes peak campus as my own sort of base of operation. I'd appreciate it if you could keep your forces away unless invited or you've given prior warning" Tengan stroked his beard a bit "i suppose that place has no purpose for us now. But there is a large possibility the place is extremely dangerous, are you sure you want to settle there?" I nodded "It would be the best place for me since I know the schematics so well. Though I suppose it has emotional value to it as well." Tengan nodded "Very well, you should contact us immediately when you've finished settling it so that we can work together in the future." I nodded "As soon as I can get the buildings communication array working I will see about contacting you. That may take a few weeks in time though" Tengan nodded again "understood. anything else?" I thought a bit and spoke "A few of the survivors of the killing game; Toko, Mukuro, and Junko. I want to have them with me. I understand that your group is investigating Junko at the moment, but I need them as soon as I can get them." Tengan sighed "I'll see what i can do about Junko, but it is up to the other 2 to decide if they want to go with you or not." I nodded "That's reasonable. Other than that I'd like to stay in contact with Chihiro, there is a project that I'd like to work with him on." Tengan nodded once more "That can be done. If that is all, we have other matters to discuss without you." I nodded "Alright, I'll be waiting at the exit for new on Mukuro and Toko. Oh, and if any others would like to tag along, allow them to." Tengan nodded and waved his hand at me. I turned around and walked out the doors, heading out of the facility with one of the guards following me.

Once I got outside, I stood by a pillar and waited. The guard that had followed me out of the building stood near the door, making it pretty obvious that they were watching me. After a while of waiting; Toko, Mukuro, and Celestia came through the door. I looked over and smiled "I see you decided to tag along Celestia." She nodded "you didn't expect me to stay behind with those fools did you?" I shook my head "No, I sort of expected you to follow me. Mostly because of your strange fantasy." Celestia closed her eyes and smiled "Whatever are you referring to? I only came out of the goodness of my heart" "I didn't know you had any goodness in your heart." her eyelid twitches and her smile faltered slightly, but she quickly put up he poker face once more "I assume you have something interesting planned?" I nodded "Yes, I wanted to repurpose the hope's peak campus into my own base of operations. There are still many useful things there afterall." Celestia stared at me "So you wish to return to the very place we were trapped?" "not exactly, but that building can be used as well. My plan was to clear up the other main building and fix up the surrounding area. It would take a considerable amount of time alone, however it is much easier with some helpers." Celestia scoffs "so you would expect me to help with cleaning up such a disaster." "If you want another chance to attempt to make me your butler, then yes. you are expected to help out" She stood silent for a while before nodding "very well. I shall help you with your foolish task." I nodded and started walking "Come on then, we have to go get a ride back." 

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