Chapter Eight

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I crashed out after laying in bed and reading for a while.

The next day I felt very on edge forcing me to instantly wake up, I open my eyes hearing someone pacing around the room. "Oh she's finally awake" I rub my eyes and take a sip of the water that's on my bedside table. "Lauren?" I said with my eyes squinting. This made my eyes widen and woke me up properly.

"Here she is, the boyfriend thief that's sleeping with her professor," she said letting out a scoff.
"boyfriend thief? that's sleeping with my professor? you're thinking of the wrong person" I said trying to avoid any drama.

She waved my phone in my face, showing messages between me and Danny. I attempted to grab my phone but she swung it away from me, reading the messages out loud in a mocking way.
"I'm sorry, answer me, pleaseeeee Kayleigh," she said laughing whilst rolling her eyes.
"He apologised for shouting at me?"
"Well he shouldn't have, you deserve it"
"you don't even know what happened"
"oh, I know you two used to date"
"keyword used to. He came to me upset over you because you left him"
Her tone of voice lowered. "erm..."
Back to her raised voice she said " Well that doesn't excuse the fact you're sleeping with your professor"
"I've spoken to him twice, get a grip Lauren and give me my phone back"

I got up and grabbed my phone off her, picking up my clothes and going into the bathroom quickly putting them on and brushing my teeth. Slamming the bathroom door after me, as well as slamming the dorm room door after me. Walking out I was taking my bun out that was from the night before and freshening it up redoing it. I went on my phone and messaged Danny.


sort your girlfriend out,
going through my phone.

He rang me straight away. I didn't answer and instead messaged him again.

Don't call me

I had no idea where I was going but I was certainly getting away from the two. I just wanted to ring Soph but I couldn't bring myself to do it, she hurt me and I don't think I'm gonna get over that.

I left campus and went for a walk to clear my mind, the past few days had been nowhere near what I expected college to be like. Of course, I didn't expect it to be easy but I didn't expect it to be this difficult. My phone then started ringing.

'Soph <3 is calling...'

I was debating on whether to pick up or not, of course, I didn't end up picking up. I declined it.

I found the nearest bench and sat on it just staring at each person walking past wondering if their life was as chaotic as mine at this moment in time.

I'd realised I'd been sat here for the whole day, just staring into emptiness. The light was beginning to fade so I decided to head back to campus, I didn't want to head back to my dorm room but I couldn't go anywhere else. I reached for my phone out of my bag and was hoping for a message from my mom asking if I was okay, saying that she missed me. Nothing.

I went and sat on the bench outside my dorm seeing as it was safer than a random bench in a place I don't know.

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