Chapter Two

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As soon as I caught sight of him, my heart dropped and it felt like my whole world had come crashing down. There was no way that my psychopath ex-boyfriend was here right now attending the same college as me.

When we parted ways in Georgia I hoped and prayed that I'd never have to see him again. But look where we are. My heart was beating so fast you could probably see it through my black cropped top. I was breathing so heavily but I focused on my destination. My dorm room.

I finally got back there and Lauren wasn't there thankfully but all of her stuff was all over the place. It wasn't my job to move it, so I left it there. I lay on my already made bed and stared at the ceiling for a good twenty minutes before I hear a knock on the door. I get up and walk over, carelessly opening it and my worst nightmare was standing right in front of me. No not Lauren. Danny. My psychopath ex-boyfriend, I mentioned before. I kept my cool, I didn't want him to know I cared.

"Kayleigh?" he said in a genuinely shocked voice.

"Danny. What do you want?" I said releasing a sigh.

"Don't flatter yourself, I'm not here for you. In all honesty, I didn't even know you came here."

"Definitely wouldn't be flattered. Why are you here then?"

"My girlfriend just moved into this room, she wants me to wait here for her."

I didn't show a reaction but in my mind, I was thinking what the actual fuck. There's no way this is a coincidence. Maybe the same college, but the same fucking dorm room. At this point I was deep in thought, wondering how he found me, how he found my roommate.

"Kayleigh?" he said breaking my trance.
"Right, yeah. Erm guess I'll go then" I said about to leave the room.

"Wait, stay. Why don't we have a catch up"

"Get a fucking grip, Danny. Things can never be the same after well - we both know what happened, it doesn't need to be mentioned. But that part of my life doesn't exist anymore and neither do you."

I didn't give him chance to reply to anything I just said. I left the room, slamming the door after me and carrying on with my day. I checked my phone and realised I had like 4 text messages from Soph.

Soph <3

Hey, I'm all unpacked


Are you dead?

Omg have you been kidnapped or something

Girl, I'm fine. Can you call though it's important

7 minutes later to be exact she called me and we had a catch-up and spoke about our rooms etc. Then obviously I had to tell her the gossip about Danny.

"Soph I need to tell you something," I said taking a deep breath

"Oh no, what's happened," she said impatiently.

"I'm not gonna beat around the bush okay. Danny's here"

I heard her gasp and practically yell down the phone "WHAT THE FUCK, HE'S CRAZY"

"After everything that happened, after everything he has done. He has the nerve to turn up to your fucking college"

"I know Soph, calm down. It will be fine. He won't do anything, there are people everywhere."

"I need to go kay if anything happens ring me!!"

"I will, bye soph"

Hearing her voice made me realise how much I missed her, I didn't have time to dwell on that right now. I needed to figure out how on earth he met Lauren. I have to go back to the dorm obviously, I just hope he isn't there when I get back.

Thankfully he wasn't and neither was Lauren so I got a shower and got into my nightwear and had an early night to prepare for my first classes in the morning.

my ex's best friend Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum