Spiraling Lies

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Before we start I wanted to give a trigger warning for this chapter (TW: Emotional Abuse)

To summarize, Gabriel pushes Adrien over the edge in an attempt to get him upset enough to akumatize but it goes wrong

You can go ahead and read the chapter. When the triggering paragraph starts I'll include 


and those who choose not to read it can keep scrolling until they see 


then you can keep reading and I'll include a short summary of what happened all the way at the end of the chapter

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter !

"Hey Plagg, what just happened?" Adrien asked his kwami, hoping for reassurance that this was just a dream.

"You achieved your goal, Adrien. By some miracle that stupid idea of yours worked and you managed to make Ladybug jealous enough to admit it! Now you can finally break up with Marinette!" Plagg came out and took the cheese Adrien was holding up for him.

"Well then, why do I feel so... weird? Adrien held his hand up to his forehead to check if he had a fever.

"Maybe I don't want to break up with Marinette... I think... I think maybe I've fallen in -" Adrien began

"Don't even finish that sentence!" Plagg cut him off.

"One, I hate romance! And two, wasn't one of the rules that you couldn't fall in love with each other? And three, even if you broke that rule, what makes you think she feels the same about you anyway?" Plagg tried to talk some sense into Adrien.

"I don't want to break up with Marinette... not yet." He looked up at Plagg with tears in his eyes.

"Ugh okay stop crying! Look, just don't tell her what happened today with Ladybug. What she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?" Plagg did his best to console Adrien.

Interrupting their moment, Adrien's phone rang in his back pocket.

He pulled out his phone and saw that it was his father, he also saw that he had 64 missed calls from him.

"Great..." He cursed under his breath before clicking the green button to answer. He brought the phone up to his ear and didn't say anything, letting his father go ahead with the lecture.

"Where are you right now? Do you know how many times I've called! Text your bodyguard the location of where you are. When you get home give Nathalie your phone and go up to your room. I don't even want to look at you! I'm so disappointed Adrien, I didn't raise you to be this way!" Adrien felt himself shrinking as his father went on and on about what an awful son he was.

"This day can't get any worse." He muttered to himself as his father hung up the phone, not giving Adrien a chance to explain himself. Not that he could anyway. "I hate lying to my father..." Adrien muttered as he scrolled through his contact list

He texted his bodyguard the name of the street he was on and stepped out of the alley to wait. Within minutes his bodyguard pulled up and the door swung open for Adrien to step inside.

"Sorry for the trouble I caused." Adrien said as he took a seat in the car and buckled his seat belt.

His bodyguard said nothing but offered him a sympathetic look as he began to drive back towards the mansion.

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