𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒳𝒳𝒱𝐼𝐼𝐼

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Taehyung's POV

It was 3 AM, and I watched my army train in the practice ground high up from the balcony. Once the army was ready to fight I would be finding my dear. I will tie her up in our bed. I will never let her out and never let anyone go near her. She would be mine and only mine. It's okay if she doesn't love me. I'll love her and that's enough. She just has to be in my arms. I won't let her out of my sight. She will have everything here. 


After 12 hours of training my army, I decided it's time to go get my dear. I close my eyes and concentrate on the mark I gave. I could track her wherever she was. I saw her clinging onto that guy... Namjoon. I would be killing him first. I took a good look at her and I noticed that my mark was missing. She somehow had removed it. But that wasn't enough. My venom was coursing through her veins. I could always track her. I teleported myself instructing my army to remain alert and ready.

I start following her. I couldn't stand it anymore. I brought rain upon the city and the electronic screens started announcing the sudden rain with a slight chance of thunder.

Oh, it wasn't just going to be thunder and rain, it was going to be a storm...

Yuna's POV

It started raining suddenly. We ran towards the shade of a bus station and sat there since we didn't carry umbrellas due to the weather app showing sunny today. 

"The weather app said sunny!" I whine.

"It's okay, Yuna. It could be wrong sometimes," Namjoon says, "Let's call a cab or wait it out. It might stop soon."

I sigh nodding. After a few minutes, the rain starts pouring harder and it starts thundering.

"I think we should call a cab," I suggest.

"Yeah, I'll call one. One minute," Namjoon unlocks his phone.

It starts thundering heavily and I clutch onto Jin's hand, "Oh my God. This is so sudden."

"It's okay," Jin consoles me, "Let's go home and eat something warm."

"Okay, I've called the cab," Namjoon stuff his phone in his pocket, "It'll take some time since there's a traffic block."

"Oh, okay," I rub my arms and lean into Jin. He wraps his arm around me in an attempt to keep me warm.

Soon, it becomes really cloudy. "What the hell? Why is it so cloudy?" I ask.

"Don't know. But it's cold," Hoseok says shivering with his hands in his pant pockets, "We should have dressed warmer."

"Who knew?" Namjoon asks, "Where is the cab?"

"Ugh," I groan, "Can the cab get here fast?"

Heavy fog started rising due to the rain and our visibility decreased, "Great now we can't see anything," I whine.

"Let's try to walk home," Jin suggests.

"We're not that far, I guess we can walk," Hoseok supports.

"Okay fine. Stay close," Namjoon says and grabs onto my hand tightly.

We slowly start walking. While crossing the street, a car almost dashed into us. I get separated from them.

"Oh no," I panic and shout, "Guys!"


"Why do you need them?" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around to see Taehyung. I scream and start running. What the hell? I thought he was dead- Oh my God.

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