𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒳𝐼𝒳

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"Please," the king begs, "keep him safe. I can't afford my son to be killed by those brutes. Please keep him here. You don't have to give him any benefits. Just give him to one of your maids or something. Please."

"Alright," the King of Luxon stands up, "I shall keep this infant. But not with me. I cannot risk my reputation by adopting a baby just like that. Take this basket," the king walked over to a basket filled with fruits and hands it over to the man in front of him, "empty the fruits, put him in the basket and float the basket in the garden lake. One of the maids or guards might find him and adopt him."

"Thank you so much," the man accepts the basket and walks away after paying his respects to the King.

"What's the matter?" The queen asks.

"That man's kingdom got attacked and he is the middle of a war. He got threatened that his son would be killed. So he wanted the kid to be safe," the King sighs.

"Which kingdom? He doesn't look like he's from here," the Queen inquires.

"Daegu," the King answers, "of Korea."


"My, my!" a maid screams, "Dahlia! Cynthia! Come over here!"

"What is it Bastet?" Dahlia questions.

"A baby!" She exclaims, "in the garden lake."

"What?" Cynthia asks in shock,

"We must take it to the king," Dahlia says.

"Yes," Bastet replies, "come on, help me take the baby out."

After making the child look presentable, the three maids presented the child to the king.

"One of you can take in the child or give it away," the King sighs knowing whose child it is, "just don't harm it."

"Of course not, your grace!" 

"We would never!"

"Who can do that to a baby this adorable!" 

The three women coo at the child in Bastet's hands.

"Alright," the King says, "next case please."

Bastet smiles at the child in her arms. Her husband had died long back along with most of her family. She had lost her chance at having her own child. 

"Bastet?" Dahlia asks, "Do you want to adopt this child?"

"Yes," Bastet brushes her nose against the child's nose.

"Hey, what is this?" Cynthia points at a chain around the child's neck.

"I think it's a text," Dahlia squeals, "let's go ask the librarian."

"What do you think it is?" Bastet asks the librarian.

"I think it's Korean," the librarian says, "hold on, let me bring out translation books."

"Yes," the librarian confirms, "it is Korean. Do you ladies wish to know what it says?"

"Yes," Dahlia says in excitement.

"Alright, give me the necklace," the librarian extends his hand.

After a few hours of translating, the librarian sighs.

"It says 'Kim Taehyung'. Which I believe is a name and right beside the name is the royal logo of Daegu."

"Royal logo of Daegu?" Cynthia asks, "Is it a country?"

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