I walk in my office to see him sitting on the couch looking worried "Dante you know how important she is to me correct?" I ask him while sitting in my chair.

"Yes boss" he mutters he better speak up or I'll make him scream for me to kill him. "I didn't hear you!" I yell at him.

"Yes boss" as he still doesn't look at me and looks down at his feet. The next thing I did I didn't even know I was doing I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him.

"BOSS you have known her for a couple days and you would shoot your best friend of 12 years FOR HER!" He yelled at me I was surprised he was brave.

But then I got a call I noticed it was the nurse so I picked up. "boss she is awake and she will be fine she just needs some pills for the pain and rest." the nurse said as soon as she said that I was relieved that Ellie was fine.

"I'm coming" I said and hung up and left the room I looked down and saw Ellie's blood on my shirt and it reminded me of how much pain she must be in.

I walk into our bedroom to see her eyes wide open sat on the bed frozen "here are the pills boss I'll leave you two to talk" the nurse says and she walks out the room.

No I can't let her see my good side I have to be angry she still needs punishment. "Move" I tell her as I sit in the middle of the bed and shove her do she falls on the floor.

Ellie's POV:

I woke up to a lady in front of me "dear your awake I better call boss" she says and calls Antonio and they talk a bit and then he hangs up.

After a few minutes of silence he walks in and the nurse give him the pills and she leaves. He looked worried for a few seconds but his grey eyes went a few shades darker and he sat in the middle of the bed and said "move" as he shoved me of the bed.

It fucking hurt I slowly scurry into the corner and sit there and remember Daniel I have to help him escape we can get out of this mess together.

I sat in the corner and just watch Antonio scroll though his phone I can't describe how much I hate him.

He took away everything from me now I'm locked in this shit hole. He was a dickhead and I hated him but I couldn't stop my attraction to him. He has the perfect face shape and you could see his muscles through his white button shirt well wasn't white anymore it was dyed red in my blood.

My legs ache and my vagina felt like hell. I wanted to get up and move somewhere more comfortable I don't think I would be able to move if I tried.

My eyes travelled down his outfit "Quit eye raping me" he suddenly said he didn't even look up how did he know I was staring.

He looked up at me and smirked "i would fuck you but I think you've had enough dick today." He says.

"What princess if you really want this dick you can have it" he says to me I suddenly turn around and stare at the floor.

"Come on bedtime for you young lady" he says to me and gets up and scoops me up in his arms. "Your not going to talk to me?" He says and chuckles "speak to me now or I will drop you" he says.

"I'm s-sorry" I say I'm already in enough pain without getting a concussion.

"Good girl" he says and pecks me on the lips and places me down gently in the bed. I look down and see I'm in one of his t-shirts that was massive on me.

He went to the bathroom and after a few minutes he came back out with just sweatpants on. I saw his toned abs and fuck wait no what are you doing he took you he doesn't give a shit about me don't fall in love with a dick.

Love was just pain the last time I dated someone they broke me. I haven't even came near to falling in love with someone else since that day.

He got in the bed and gently pulled me closer by my waist. My back was against his bare chest and he pushed his head into the gap by my neck.

"Your my toy baby" he whispers and I fall asleep in his arms.

Izzy x
Hey, this is shorter then my other chapters because I've been quite busy. If you would like to leave suggestions in the comments for what happens next in this story I would appreciate it thank you!

Have you ate today? If you haven't please do I care about you a lot and if you comment we can always talk if needed.

If you have read this far thank you I really want to be a author when I'm older. I'm also sorry if there is any spelling or grammar mistakes I'm dyslexic and it takes a awhile to upload.

This is not checked or edited I just wrote it I will read through soon and edit my mistakes thank you for reading! x

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