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Wings woke with a jolt he coughed up some strange yellow liquid, 

Wings: h-huh?!..w-what is...ack-!?

Wings bent over clutching his stomach, it hurt so much. What was going on. He quickly teleports to the bathroom and collapsed to the ground unable to stand. 


Umber ran into the room

Umber: huh?! Boss?- oh gosh, wings what's wrong?!

Wings: geh,..egh...I...don't hurts.

Umber: ( he bent down by wings) okay, what hurts.

Wings: everything!!

Umber: okay, uh..please stop yelling chalk and slash are stil, asleep.

Wings: I don't...give a f*ck!.....

Umber: okay..okay..uh...I'll go get some medicine.

Wings: okay....

Umber got up and ran out of the bathroom to go get some medicine leaving wings alone. Wings groaned in pain, everything hurt so much it hurt to breathe and he didn't know why. He moved over to a wall and leaned against it. The pain slowly subsided leaving just a dull ache in his chest.

Wings: gah...oh...okay...that's better....

Umber: ( he ran back into the room with multiple pill bottles) boss! I'm back!

Wings: I can tell, and uh the pain went away.

Umber: oh, good. ( he put all the bottles on the counter) 

Wings sighed, he suddenly felt something dripping on his face, he touched it to see the same yellow stuff on his fingers.

Wings: !-

Umber: I'll go now, bye.

Wings: u-uh, okay...

Umber once again left the room.

-few hours later-

Wings was eating lunch with the rest of his "gang" when he felt a odd feeling wash over him. He stood up.

Chalk: huh? Boss, is something up.


He couldn't move, why can't he move? 

Chalk: boss?

Wings: shut up.

What, he didn't say that. That was his voice right? 

Chalk: oh..uh, sorry.

Wings: hehe, your just a bunch idiots.

Chalk: ...

Slash: woah, boss that's a bit unnecessary.

Wings: you don't get to tell me what's unnecessary.

Wings wasn't in control of his body, his mouth was moving on it's own and his hands moved without him telling them to. He would never treat them like this.

Slash: what is with you. You've never acted like this before.

Wings: stop talking you useless piece of crap.

Slash: !-

Wings couldn't stop himself as he threw sharp bones at slash, pinning him to the wall behind them

Chalk: slash!-

Wings: move and your next,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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