Chapter One: Lost and Found

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Four year old Izuku and Izumi Yagi joined their mother Inko at the doctor's office. Izumi was 90 seconds older than Izuku so he always saw her as his big sis. With bright smiles of excitement both Izuku and Izumi were practically vibrating when they suddenly stopped with anticipation as the doctor entered the room.

Doctor: Mrs. Yagi... I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first

Inko: Bad news please.

Doctor: It seems your son has an extra joint in his pinky toe, rendering him genetically quirkless.

Izuku had tears in his eyes as he clutched onto his All Might figurine. But before he looked to his mother for comfort, she spoke completely ignoring the fact that Izuku was heartbroken.

Inko: And the good news?

Doctor: Um... Izumi has an exceptional quirk. She can telepathically move large things with her mind but only in short intervals as it can cause severe headaches if overused.

Inko looked down at Izumi who held her look of excitement and hugged her in joy, still ignoring Izuku who was silently bawling. The doctor knelt to Izuku.

Doctor: I'm sorry son...

Izuku: Can I still be a hero like All Might?

The doctor looked down, then at the empty seat next to Izuku when he realized that Inko had already begun walking down the hall with Izumi.

Doctor: You should go catch up to your mother.

Izuku barely made it to the car as Inko was about to leave without him. When they got home, Toshinori was waiting to hear the news and Izumi rushed to her dad's arms in joy. The three celebrated while Izuku wandered off on his own to a nearby river. He sat in a sad silence when he heard a bundle of footsteps approaching. He saw Katsuki, Shoto, and Izumi walking over when Katsuki knelt next to him.

Katsuki: Hey Izu, do you still want to be a hero?

Izuku looked up at Katsuki.

Izuku: Of course kacchan!

Izumi: Then you better learn how to swim!

Izumi picked up Izuku with her quirk and sent him into the river where he barely escaped from drowning.

Katsuki: You need to chill out!

Shoto: Good thinking Katsuki!

Shoto froze Izuku's feet as he escaped from the river.

Katsuki watched helplessly as both Izumi and Shoto bullied him.

Katsuki: 'It's for his own good...'

For four years Izuku was bullied by the two while Katsuki watched helplessly, even in school. Izuku learned how to cook and take care of himself as Inko and Toshinori had neglected him.

He would enjoy his uncle Shouta's company the most as it was he who encouraged the idea of Izuku being a hero. He mostly hid his injuries and scars from him whenever he came over with long sleeved shirts.

Shouta could feel something was off because his nephew had become more awkward and introverted whenever he came over to the Yagi residence but had never bothered asking about it.

Near the end of a school day, Izuku was sitting alone at his desk when Izumi wandered over followed by Shoto and Katsuki. He jotted down facts and concepts into a notebook when Izumi snatched it out of his hands.

Izumi: Hero concepts? Still want to be a hero huh?

Izuku: Y- Yes I do.

She threw the book out of the window

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