She tilted her head slightly, her sweet smile growing wider with a soft look in her tea brown eyes. "Hey Amity.."

The world around me suddenly burst with color once more, nothing was in black and white anymore. I hesitantly took a step forward, then before I knew it my feet carried me swiftly into her arms, nearly knocking us both over.

I clung to her as my life depended on in, sobbing into her chest. "I-I thought I'd n-never see you again-!!"

"Shshsh, I'm here, Ammy. I'm here, now." She softly spoke while while her hand gently rubbed my back, which sent shivers up my spine. Then she chuckled. "You never told me you could flap your ears.

My face flared red as I pulled back, a few tears still in the corners of my eyes as I covered my uncontrollable ears. "N-No they don't-!!"

"Oh yes they doooo~" She said in a sing song voice, giving me a smirk that made my heart beat in my ears. I huffed out and punched her in the arm which only made her wince slightly and laugh.

"H-Hey! I'm only teasing!"

"Shut it-" I glared playfully at her before my expression softened, pulling her into another hug and taking in her scent of lemon and earth. She hugged back just as eagerly, nuzzling into my hair which only made me hug tighter with a grin on my face.

"Titan, I missed you so much.."

"Heh, I missed you too, Am."

We stayed there for what felt like an hour, but was really only about five to ten minutes before we pulled back. We stared at each other with wide smiles on our faces before realizing how close we were, both blushing profusely and glancing away.

Luz cleared her throat before looking back to me. "So- you changed your hair? N-Not that it looks bad-! It looks great! Ho- I mean- amazing even!!"

My ears burned, giving her a bashful grin as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Eheh, yea. I- thought I could use a change, ya know? My mom always liked it green.."

She seemed to stop and stare at me for another moment longer, something in her eyes making my breath hitch slightly and my heart leap in my throat.

"Uh- you ok?"

"Huh? OH- Y-Yea, yea! Sorry, it's just... it's a good look on you-" She grinned shyly, rubbing the back of her head.

Now that I had a good look at her, I realized how tall she had gotten.

And... hot.

'Oh titan, I think I'm gonna have a heart attack-!' I thought to myself, lightly fanning my face as I looked away.

"You ok? You seem a little red. Do you have a fever?" I squeaked slightly, jolting at her words.

"I-I'm fine, I'm fine! Just- it's a bit hot out here is all, eheh-"

She hummed in response, glancing back at me for a moment before looking away with a bit of red on her face as well. She seemed to be sweating a bit, too.

"W-Well um- do you wanna come by the owl house later? We could all meet up and maybe catch up with each other."

"Oh- sure! That sounds great! I'll call Willow and Gus to see if they're up for it." I grinned with excitement, my ears lightly flapping at hanging out.

"Great! I'll see you then!" She gave me one last hug, which I stiffened and froze from the sudden shock of it, then headed off back down the path.

Seeing her again and being able to hear her voice and touch her was a revelation to me. Thinking of hanging out with her later sent a thrill through my body, to which I squealed some out of excitement and happiness. I hurriedly ran back to the mansion, the spark in my eyes having returned.

Once home, I sighed as I closed the door behind me, melting back against it some at the thought of Luz.

"Mittens? That you?" Ed called from upstairs before peering down the flight at me, Emira right behind him.

"There's our baby sister! What took you so long? Got caught up with the kids again?"

"Eheh, something like that-" I slowly smiled as I looked away from them in thought, to which they both turned to each other in surprise at how I was acting.

"Mittens? Are you ok? You seem- happier than normal." Emira tilted her head in slight confusion.

"Oh I'm more than okay, great even!" I said excitedly, throwing my bag aside before doing a hop, skip, and a jump into the kitchen.

Ed and Em's eyes widened at the sudden change of emotion, looking at each other before following me. "Mittens, you haven't been this happy since-"

They stopped and gasped.

"Wait- is she-?"

"Yup! And I'm going to go hang out with her at the owl house later today with the others. You're welcomed to come along if you two want, but don't do anything stupid- I mean it." They merely both grinned at each other with starry eyes.

"Are you kidding?! Of course we wanna come, it's been forever since we last saw her!" Edric laughed out slightly.

"Yea! We aren't gonna miss you short circuiting over cutie there, sis~"

"Emira, I swear to titan if you do anything-" She only raised her hands up in surrender as I glared at her with a red face.

"Ha! This is gonna be fun~" Ed grinned, looking to his twin with matching smirks.

This was going to be a long night with these two, I could already tell.

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