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Bucky and Flora sat in silence, trying to forget what had happened to them.

After a moment, Flora spoke up. "Bucky, what do you think happened to us?"

Bucky shook his head. "No clue. I thought you wanted to forget, Flor."

"I want to, but I can't."

Bucky set down his glass and turned her so she was facing him. "What makes you happy?"

Flora's nose scrunched. "What?"

"I'm trying to help you forget, doll. What makes you happy? Make a list of everything that makes you happy."


"Why not? No one's listening."

Flora huffed softly. "Fine. Um, cats, movies, music, Steve, you-"

"Me?" He feigned surprise.

"Yes you, you idiot. Cool inventions, that sort of thing." She paused a moment. "Hey! I'm not-" She cut herself off with a pout. "Never mind."

"But you forgot for a moment. That means my idea worked."

"Yes, well, it proved to be in vain, Barnes."

"I'll take the little I can get, Annie."

Flora shoved him. "Don't start that. I finally got you to stop calling me Annie when we were ten and here you go again."

"Only because it gets you so riled up, doll." He flashed her a cheeky smile before it turned more geniune. "Flora, I-"

"You what?"

"I-I'm glad you're okay."

Flora studied him with a curious expression before saying, "I'm glad you're okay as well."

Steve watched his friends for a moment, then joined them as people sang There's a Tavern in Town.

"See, I told you," Bucky said. "They're all idiots."

"How about you two?" Steve asked. "You both ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?"

"Hell, no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb not to run away from a fight. I'm following him, and I'm guessing Flora's gonna say the same thing. But you're keeping the outfit, right?"

"You know what? It's kind of growing on me. Flor?"

Flora nodded. "I'm following the little guy from Brooklyn as well. The outfit could be much, much worse."

The singing in the bar ceased as Peggy, in a tight-fitting, deep-red dress, walked in. "Captain."

"Agent Carter."

"Ma'am," Bucky and Flora greeted.

"Howard has some equipment for you to try," Peggy told Steve. "Tomorrow morning?"

"Sounds good," Steve replied.

"I see your top squad is prepping for duty."

"You don't like music?" Bucky asked, earning a small smile from Flora.

"I do, actually," Peggy answered. "I might even, when all this is over, go dancing."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

"The right partner. 0800, Captain."

"Yes, ma'am," Steve said. "I'll be there."

Bucky, referring to the rejection he got from Peggy about going dancing with him, said, "I'm invisible. I'm... I'm turning into you. It's like some horrible dream."

"Don't take it so hard. I'm sure Flor would be happy to dance with you. I know how you feel about her. And how nervous you get when she's around."

Bucky turned to Flora and offered his hand. "May I have this dance?"

Flora smiled, accepting his offer.

As they danced, Bucky asked, "How are you really doing?"

"The drinks and earlier conversation helped," the redheaded girl replied. "Maybe. I'm all right. How about you?"

Bucky tucked her hair back. "I'm managing. Flor, you gotta promise me one thing."

"That never bodes well."

"You gotta come home. If I lost you- I'd rather die than not spend the rest of my life with you."

"I don't- I don't understand. Are you asking for my hand in marriage?"

"God, no. Not yet anyway. No, you're my best girl, Flor, and I don't want anything to happen to you. More so than what already has, of course."

"I can't promise anything. You know that."

"Enlighten me, doll. Please."

Flora studied his expression. Normally, he had a flirtatious smile or a slightly intense gaze. But what she saw shocked her. He looked terrified. More so than when the laser tanks had started shooting at them. He hadn't looked as terrified while looking at Dr. Zola, but he'd still been obviously scared.

"Bucky, look at me." She placed a gentle hand under his chin. "I'll do my best to make sure I come home. Okay? That's not a promise, but a hope."

He nodded slowly. "A hope. I can work with that."

Flora smiled and kissed his cheek before saying, "I still can't believe Steve volunteered for an experiment he knew nothing about. We did tell him not to do anything stupid."

"You know as well as I that he rarely listens."

"I gotta say; he looks pretty good."

They stopped dancing and Bucky frowned. "Meaning? Have you something to say, Flora Stewart?"

"What? No. Steve's like my brother. You know that. He just looks so different, yet he's still Steve." Her nose scrunched slightly as she let out a small laugh.

"He's a good man. A stupid one sometimes, but a good one."

"As are you."

"What are you insinuating? Am I good or am I stupid?"

"You're a good man, Bucky. And I adore that. In the both of you."

"If you hadn't added that last line, I might've said you fancied me."

"In your dreams."

"I do dare dream, doll."

They began dancing again and Flora said softly, "I wish this could last forever."

Bucky pulled her closer. "Me too."

He glanced down at her, as though he was taking in all he could. Her long red hair, which was in a bun, had small wisps sticking out. Her crystal blue, sometimes dark-looking blue eyes were closed as she danced. Her hands, as calloused as they'd become, still offered the soft and gentle touch he craved. She smelled of vanilla and pine. She always had, and it was a scent that had always helped him feel at peace.

A small smile crossed her lips as she danced in the arms of the man she adored. Though she couldn't say the words, she could show him how she felt and she prayed that was enough. The last time she'd said those three words to someone, her parents had been shipped to not a soul knew where. Though, given what was going on, she had to assume the worst. She could only hope that they'd escaped or that she'd see them again after the war, however long it lasted.

The pair danced as the night carried on. Neither wanted to dwell on the nightmare they'd endured, but they both wondered how the other truly felt. Words didn't come easily to either regarding the clear connection the two shared. Instead, a mere dance said all they needed at that moment.

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