"Morning to you," I whispered.

She opened her eyes and the corners of her mouth instantly raised in a smile.

"Morning, sunshine," she pulled me closer in a kiss, "I can get used to waking up this way."

"Well, then it's your win because I'm not going anywhere this time or ever again," I mumbled and she connected our lips again.

"This is the day when I hate that I have to go to work," she groaned.

"Don't worry, I can meet you after, I have something I need to do today anyway."

"What things?"

"Tell you after," I kissed her again and got up from the bed.

We got ready and Amelia left for work. I was pretty anxious about what I had to do so I headed to that coffee shop to get an iced latte.

"Good morning, what can I get you?" I raised my eyes and saw a stunning woman. Damn.

"An iced latte please, " I said with a smile.

"Sure, " she giggled and started to make it, "you living here?"

"Yeah, I guess I do, " I shrugged.

"Maybe we can grab a coffee together some time?"

Did she just ask me out? Ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you my biggest achievement.

"I'm seeing someone so no, I'm sorry, " I smiled.

"Oh, okay, I didn't know, my bad, " she said giving me go cup.

"Thank you, " I paid for the coffee and headed out with a tilted head. I'm so proud of you, Y/N.

Amelia's POV

I got to work and ran into Maggie. Of course, I did.

"Hey, you weren't at home," she said in her sly manner.

"I guess I wasn't," I smirked.

"Where were you?"

"Maggie," I groaned.

"Amelia, who is-" her pager buzzed.

"Saved by the bell," I smiled and ran away.

I was going to check my patient still thinking about the night and this morning. Oh, how perfect it all was. It just felt right.

"Dr. Shepherd," I heard yelling from behind me.

"Bailey," I stopped and turned to face her with a tight smile, "Is everything okay?"

"No, Karev is on his honeymoon, Arizona brought me the resignation letter this morning, and I have a kid who has no one good to help her."

She was pissed. Did she call me just to say it all?

"Okay, I'm not a pediatric surgeon," I said trying to escape.

"I know that," she chuckled, "I wanted to invite one from LA for that case but he's busy. I probably should text Karev and ask him to come back."

The craziest thing ran through my mind.

"I know one who might help," I mumbled. I'm not sure if she'll even agree. Amelia Frances Shepherd, what are you doing?

"Well, then call him. Or her. Whatever."

I took the phone and dialed a number.

Back to Y/N's POV

I was leaving the hotel when my phone buzzed. Amelia? We literally just said our goodbyes.

"Hey you," I said picking the call.

May we meet again // Amelia Shepherd X readerWhere stories live. Discover now