Oneshot 2: Blade and Raine

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Blade lived a horrid life. His parents were killed by demon marauders, making him end up in a terrible foster home. He hated it there. For so long, he was racist towards demons. He would fight them every chance he took. Because of this behavior, he was sent to a disciplinary school, and that was how he met Disko. They have been friends ever since.

Despite being a racist towards demons, there was one particular demon that confuses him. Raine, Abby's cousin. At first, every time they would accidentally meet up, they'd end up arguing. But as days go by, Blade's anger towards her slowly fades away. 'What's happening to me', he thought, every single night in bed. For some apparent reason, for the new semester, they were both in the same class. Luckily, they weren't sitting next to each other. Blade would sit at the back rows, while Raine would sit in the middle ones. He could not stop laying his eyes on her. He could not understand why.

'What if...' his mind was racing that night. He couldn't sleep, apparently. 'No way I would have feelings for a demon. That's impossible...' He screamed into his pillow in frustration. He took his coat and decides on taking a walk to calm him down, also ignoring half-awake Kevil who was teasing him.

He walked to the lake, where he would usually chill. 'The moon is very bright tonight...' he said to himself. There was a huge bridge over the lake. By the time he reached there, he noticed a figure. Looks like they're smoking. He walks over to them, and puts his hand on their shoulder.

"Hey there, how goes-" As the figure turned around, he was shocked to see who it was. Raine. She almost jumped to see Blade, the TV head who was violently racist towards demons. She backed off, pushing him away.
"BACK OFF!" She yelled.
"Woah woah woah now..." Blade too stepped back a bit. "I just greeted you..."
"Yeah and what, you're gonna kill me? Is that how it is?" She threatened him with her lighter, since it was the only thing she had in her hands.
"I'm just here to chill down. Maybe you should too..." Raine looked at Blade. He looked rather... calm. She had heard stories of how he would stare at a demon ominously, which made them uncomfortable. In no way he would act very differently to a demon. He's probably bluffing.
"Fine." She sighs, keeping her lighter away. "But I still don't trust you." She kept an eye on him.
"Fine by me." He goes over and leans on the rails right beside her. Raine moves away from him a bit. "The moon is quite bright tonight, isn't it?"
"You come here to smoke?"
"Sometimes. Usually I go up the roof."
"Oh, me? Oh, nothing. Something's just bothering my mind."
"What is it?"
"You... wouldn't like it."
"What, killing demons? Real funny, man."
"Speak up, cunt." Raine threatened with her lighter again. She was curious what the racist was thinking about. She could  blackmail him using this.
"Fine.... You"
"You have been running around my mind. I don't know why, but I can't stop thinking about you. God, you're so weird." He looks away.
Raine looked at him with a weird expression, but then bursts into laughter.
"Hahaha, I get it. Hahaha"
"I swear, if you talk to someone about this, I will crush that numb demon skull of yours." Blade was back in his mad form again.
"I won't. But, I have to tell you that I'm not really interested in, ya know."
"Oh. Huh." He looked a bit disappointed.
She shakes her head, before offering her hand. "We can still be friends, you good with that?"
"I guess that's better than nothing." He accepts her hand, and they shake hands.
"Good good." She smiled at him. "Also, could you just stop being racist towards demons? Everyone hates you for that, ya know."
"Sorry, I can't help it. My parents were killed by demon marauders, and my life has been shitty. That's why I hold a grudge on demons."
"I see. Well, it's in past. You should just forget about it."
She gives out a slight chuckle, before yawning. "Darn, its getting late. I'll be heading to bed."
"Oh, okay then. See you next time?"
"Sure, I'll be happy to." She stomps on her cigarette, and makes her way to her dormitory. "Bye bye" she says, as she walks away, waving at him.
He waves back. 'That was so... odd.' He couldn't get her, but at least they're friends now. He can live with that.
"Oh fuck, I forgot to ask her number!"

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