Part 6: The Call

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After some time...
The couple in the car had just finished up a round. It was their first time, so they couldn't go more. Disko was famished, as he had just lost his virginity. He didn't know what to feel, or think. Mixed emotions run around his vivid mind. He could not believe on what had just happened. He looks at Abby who was now sitting, cleaning her private using pieces of tissue kept in his compartment. They sit there in silence for a while. Abby decides to break the quietness first.
"So, how do you feel?"
"I don't know. It just feels... Strange."
"Hmm, but it did feel good. No?"
"I guess," Disko slumped against the car seat. "It was our first time, so I guess it's normal."
"Yeah, you're right, haha," Abby giggled quietly, realizing how bizarre the situation was. A TV head and a demon just had sex in a car. At least they are officially girlfriend and boyfriend. How sweet, she thought.
Right then, her phone rang. It was a text message from Raine.
"Who's that?" Disko asked.
"Raine. Says she wants to meet on the dormitory roof back at the university."
"Huh. Doesn't that sound a bit odd? Why would she want to meet you up there?"
"I don't know, but she says its urgent. Let's go there, okay?"
Disko started the car engine. "Fine." The car engine was running, and off they drove to the university, which was just a few meters away.

It was a bit unusual for them to see the dormitories empty and dark, which was usually lit up and noisy, since most of the students going back home to enjoy their Summer break.
"Just wait here, she says it's just for a bit."
"Sure, I can wait."
Abby exits the car and heads towards the building, leaving Disko alone in the car.
After a short while, Disko gets a call. He checks his phone, to find out apparently Ivan was calling him. Why is he calling him at this time? He picks up, to hear Ivan heavy breathing.
"DISKO!" Ivan shouted. It appears he is running, or was.
"Oop- Yeah?"
"In my car, in our university's parking area."
Disko was confused and furious at the same time. Why did Jack had to ruin their special night?
"HE USED RAINE TO LURE IN ABBY! FUCKING GET UP ON THE ROOF AND HELP ME!" Instantly, Disko burst out of his car and dashed to the dormitory building. No fucking way Jack was going to have his way in this, especially having Abby involved. He wanted to beat him so badly.
A door stood in between the rooftop area and the stairs. As he reached the top, he right away kicked the door away. He could see Jack, who was happily sitting on chair, while Abby and Raine were both tied up, mouths being muffled with what appears to be socks. Slowly, Disko walked over to Jack.
"Jack, how dare you fucking do this. I'm going to kill you, Jack." He curled his fists, ready to beat him up. He noticed Abby and Raine screaming, but their mouths were covered up, so he couldn't understand them clearly.
Jack snickered, and points at him. "Maybe you should watch yourself, Disko."
Before Disko could make understand of Jack's sentence, he felt a large force behind him, leading him to face plant onto the ground. He tried to get up, but he felt something being pushed down. His hands were tied very quickly, making him unable to move at all. He could also feel his monitor cracking.
"Disko, you fool. Did you really just fall for that?" He knew this voice. Very well, in fact.
"IVAN? WHAT THE FUCK?!" Disko screamed.
"You're a fucking idiot, Disko." Ivan pressures his feet onto Disko even more. "Just wondering, do you have any idea why I'm doing this exactly?"
"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW! JACK PAID YOU, DIDN'T HE?!" Disko tried looking up. He could faintly see Jack with a knife in his hand, hugging the tied up Abby who looked like she was in distress and was trying to free herself.
"Oh, no no. Jack wasn't the main cause for my actions. It was you, Disko." He stopped for a moment before continuing. "Does Reznov Stepanov ring a bell?" (Nice name aha)
"He was my father. He was arrested a few years ago. And do you who arrested him?" He lowered his face to Disko's level.
"I don't know."
"Your fucking father. Disko, your fucking father is the reason my mother went insane, and I had to move and lose all my friends!" He took a nearby chair and threw it off the rooftop. "Your father is the reason my life has been shitty. And I have just realized this when some guy named Valentine, bless his soul, gave me a file at the beginning of our semester. There, I found out about my father's arrest, and who arrested him. You will die, Disko. You can blame your father." He sneered and spit on Disko. "Plus, I asked Jack here to help me. The beat up plan, it was my idea. In return, he could have Abby."
"Don't you fucking know Disko, I have had a huge crush on Abby way back when we were in kindergarten. Way before you came along. But apparently, she went for you instead. Now look how the table's have turned, Disko!" He slids the blunt side of the knife on Abby's skin. "I'm going to enjoy this." But then he looked at Raine.
"Hey Ivan."
"What about her?"
"Raine? Just throw her off. She's useless now, anyways."
Raine started to struggle to release herself from the ties. Ivan noticed this and yelled at her. "Raine, I swear to God, I will fucking throw you down this rooftop if you continue to behave like that!"
Disko took this advantage, where Ivan was distracted, to use his feet and kicked himself up. Ivan was startled by Disko's maneuver, but before he could do anything, he was kicked by Disko, making him back off from him a bit.
Disko got up and held up his fists, ready for a fist fight. "C'mon Ivan. You want to kill me? Come and get me, bitch."
Ivan chuckled menacingly, "YES, DISKO! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" He took of his shirt and threw it away, and also held up his fists. "You will die right here, right now."
"We'll see, you Russian bitch."

And so, the fight begins...

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