Part 5: The Date

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A few days later, Summer break just rolled in. Many of students went back to their hometowns, where they can relax and have fun. Disko, on the other is planning on something. Something very big, that will probably change his life forever. Going out with Abby, on a real date. Not the one swhere they just walk around. A real, romantic date. But first, he had to plan everything,

Abby was in her room, scrolling through social media. She didn't plan on doing much for the Summer break. Her dad is a business man, which means she doesn't see him much. Abby sighed in frustration on how boring on how her Summer break has gone. Plus, she hasn't heard from Raine for a while. Suddenly, she got a call from Disko. She picked it up.
"Hey Abby"
"Oh, hey Disko. What's up?"
"Oh, nothing."
"Mhm, and why are you calling me? Is it about Jack?"
"No no no. Not about Jack"
"Uh huh. Then what is it?"
"You free tomorrow night?" Woah, Abby thought.
"Uh, yeah, I think. Why?" Could this mean...
"I was thinking, maybe we could meet up at the mall, just the two of us?" Oh my-
"Oh um, yeah yeah, sure. What time?"
"9 p.m. Sound good?"
"Yes yes, Disko. I'll be there."
"Nice nice. Um, should I pick you up?"
"Oh, no need. I can just go there by myself."
"Oh, okay then. See ya there?"
"Yes, see you."
The call ended.


Abby's face started to blush, a lot.
She screamed into her pillow with glee.

The next day (at night, obviously)
Disko was waiting for Abby by the mall entrance, the area where they have decided on meeting up. He waited for a while, before noticing Abby in the distance. Disko drove here in his own car, while Abby apparently took a cab. They greeted each other like they would normally do.
"Hey Abby."
"Oh hi Disko. You're here early."
"As always." He looked at how Abby was dressed. She was wearing a blue jacket, over a yellow shirt. Not to mention her lovely shorts and knee socks, as it was what she would wear on a normal day. Disko was very different, basically in a coat, under it being a sweatshirt. He just liked the outfit. Not that he can feel the Summer heat, anyways.
"Now, shall we then?" Abby offered her hand, which in response Disko held her hand. It was soft, unlike what he expected, especially a demon. Abby smiled, as Disko brought her to see what he had stored in plan.
Disko was surprised by the prices at the mall. He was planning on buying something for Abby, but alas, his pocket money just wasn't enough. Abby didn't mind, and suggested on just walking around the mall, and just talk about their Summer break. After a few rounds, the couple felt rather hungry. Abby suggested on going to a quite popular restaurant. As they arrived and took their seat, Abby ordered something, while Disko just sat there. He did not order anything, as he didn't really eat food, nor drink. He just looks at Abby, chewing on her food.
"Hey Abby." Shit-
She stopped, "Yes, Disko?"
"W-what feelings do you have on me?" He looks down.
Abby was rather surprised by his question. "Hmm. Well, you're a nice person, very calm. Although you're kind of expressionless."
"Oh, yeah, it's because of my condition."
"I see."
"What about you, Disko?"
"Yeah,what are your feelings about me?"
"I kind of-" Disko looks around, got a bit closer and softly says, "I actually like you. Don't hate me, okay?"
Abby gives him a smug smile. "I expected you to say that."
"Wait really?"
"Yeah, obviously. Why else do we go out in the evenings?"
"I thought that was just a friendly meet up."
Abby chuckled a bit. "Wait, you seriously thought it was just a friends thing?"
"Isn't it?"
"Haih Disko." Abby got up from her seat and leaned over to Disko's seat. She placed a gentle kiss on his monitor. She then whispered, "I actually like you too."
Disko just looked down, blushing from the inside. I mean, he did expect this, there was just something about this exact that makes his heart go wild. After a while, Abby spoke out, "Oh look at the time, I should get going."
She got up, but Disko grabbed her arm. "Let me bring you home, please."
Abby smiled at Disko, and shook her head. "Alright Disko, take me home."
This pleased Disko, making him smile, the biggest smile he has ever given. He just couldn't hold his joy of bringing Abby, the girl he adored the most, back home in his car. As they got in the car, Disko noticed Abby's hand slowly crawling onto his, which was on the gearstick. She was staring front, clearly blushing, while placing her hand on his. Disko smiled. When Disko placed the car key into the ignition, Abby spoke.
"Um, Disko"
"Yes, Abby?"
"Could you stop for a second?"
"Uh, sure." He pulled out the key from the ignition.
"Thanks, now just relax." As Abby went over to his seat. She's now on him, her hands on his shoulders, and their faces inches away from each other's. "You know Disko, I've actually loved you for a while. And now, I can finally make you mine." She said, as she gave a smug yet luscious smile.
Disko gulped as he's seeing a completely different Abby. No longer does she look like the soft and cute demon he always knew. This was a Abby he did not know ever existed.
"Disko, don't you love me?"
"Yes, Abby. I do love you."
"Prove it then," giving him the 'signal'.
Disko sighed, as he got ready for something he had never experienced. Losing his virginity.

And so, they began...

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