Part 3: The Ambush

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It has been a few days since the red paint incident. He had forgotten about it, anyways. Why bother? Nothing really happened to him in particular. However, something weird was going on. Jack. He has been rather friendly with Disko. A bit too friendly. He would treat Disko as if they were childhood friends. 'Maybe he's just messing with my mind,' thought Disko. Jack wasn't the type to forgive somebody that easily. He would have, if possible, an entire lawsuit on people just to get back at someone he doesn't like.

Today's lessons have just ended. Students were slowly leaving the classroom, Disko being the last one to exit. As he reached the doorway, he noticed a figure, leaning on the side.
"Hey, you Disko?" The person had a rather heavy Russian accent, but it was clear enough for Disko to understand.
"Mhm, that's me," Disko was curious who this person was. Nobody ever took interest in him.
"Great, because I need your help," said the person, holding out his hand. "I'm Ivan. Ivan Stepanov."
Disko noticed from his grip that this Ivan guy was a pretty tough strong guy. Even he couldn't take on him.
"Hey Ivan. So, what do you need?"
"Jack is going to beat you up tonight," Disko was surprised to hear this. He knew something like this was bound to happen. He just didn't expect it to be so early. "Well, not really him, but his goons. Jack never does the dirty work. He would hire people to do so. And I need your help in catching them."
"I don't mind," Disko shrugs, before making his way back to his dormitory, Ivan walking with him. He couldn't meet Abby this evening because she had an actual project she and her friends needed to do. "Also, how did you know Jack is going to beat me tonight?"
"He talks a lot. I hired some people to eavesdrop on him" Ivan replied.
"Huh. Well, what do I need to do?"
Ivan grinned "Oh, you'll just be bait. Sounds easy, no?"
"Now hold on," Disko stopped walking. "I'm bait?"
"Yes. No, not that kind of bait. You'll just lure them into my trap." Ivan explained.
They have just arrived to Disko's dormitory. "I think it's best we talk in here. Ya know, in case he hears us." Disko suggested.
"Good idea. You first," Ivan gestured Disko to enter in his room. There, they discussed on the plan...


Midnight had struck, and Disko was in a fake sleep on his bed, all tucked in. Ivan was hiding in his wardrobe, waiting for the goons to appear. They waited for a while. As Disko was about to actually fall asleep, he could hear something at his window. He opened his eye just a bit to see what was making all that noise. A drone. It flew away after a few seconds. Then silence once more, or so he thought. He could hear the faint sounds of a keychain from the door. Within another few seconds, the door opened. Disko noticed 3 dark figures enter, they were possibly in black clothing. They slowly walked over to Disko's bed. He also noticed that one had a wrench, a hammer and a broken pipe. He really was going to be beaten to death. 'Where the hell is Ivan,' Disko thought. 'Welp, time for backup.' Right before one of them was about to bash his monitor, suddenly-

"Don't move or I'm shooting this"

The figures in black were shocked to see Disko himself holding out a gun, underneath his bedsheet. They did not expect that. Ivan then bursts out of the wardrobe, yelling "GET LOST, CUNTS!" before literally slapping the first person in the neck. They turn around and were surprised to see Ivan suddenly come out of hiding. "OH FUCK, ITS IVAN!" Disko gave the guy who was right beside him a punch, staggering him. Ivan was about give his blow, but he was too slow. The guy dodges Ivan's attack and ran out. The last guy saw this opportunity and whacked Ivan in the knee, causing him to fall down. Then,
"What a bunch of chicken's," Ivan said, trying to stand up. Disko gave him a hand and helped him up.
"Yeah, but at least we've got her."
The person who was slapped by Ivan in the neck was literally out cold. Ivan took off the mask to reveal a surprisingly girl demon. The girl looked a bit like Abby. Ivan instantly recognised who this was.
"Huh, its Raine."
"Who?" Disko was curious on who this was.
"Raine. You know, Abby's cousin."
"Wait wha-"

The next morning, Raine was called into Principle Riddles Jr's office for questioning. Principle Riddles's suggested for her to be handed over to the police by law for attempt of assault, but Ivan asked to lower her penalty. After some debate, they settled on suspending Raine for about a week, and during that time she will be questioned on who hired her and who were the 2 other culprits. As she was exiting the office, she got a call from Abby. 'Well shit', she thought. She picked it up to hear Abby, who apparently was really angry about the situation.
"What the fuck was that for?"
"Why did you want to beat up Disko?!"
"None of your business! And why do you even care?" She was curious on why her cousin would care about the guy. He was alone and sad.
"Shut up. I bet Jack payed you a ransom to do the dirty job, didn't he?"
"You told me to shut up, so I'm shutting up."
"Whatever. Have fun at home." That was the last thing she said before hanging up on her.
"Jeez, what was even her problem?" Raine sighed to herself with frustration, before heading to her dormitory to get ready for her suspension.
Abby sighed as she leaned over to Disko. They were on the rooftop their new place they would usually meet, the same rooftop Abby showed Disko to.
"You two must be really getting along," Disko snickered, whilst watching the sky above.
"Eh, we talk and all, but that's basically it."
"But still, he's your cousin."
"Yeah, but..."
Disko sighed, before patting Abby on the head. "There there, you'll get over it soon."
Abby blushed a bit, she enjoyed every moment spent with Disko, especially after getting a headpat. But she was concerned over one thing.
"Hey, can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, sure."
"The gun you distracted them with, was it real?"
"Yeah," Abby stuttered a bit. "But don't worry, I didn't bring any ammunition. My dad gave it to me just for defence, making the enemy scared."
"I see"
"Yeah, he worked as a police sergeant. He didn't use the gun, anyways."
"Your dad sounds like a very interesting man."
"He is."
They both smiled at each other, as once again, enjoying the peaceful blue sky together. Truly, it was a moment of bliss for those two.

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