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And non binary pals,

And gents,



Where you will fight for your best, and get eliminated if you don't do so-

Wait no. Well, yes, but we won't speak about that.

In this barbaric contest, you and your designing skills will fight for the top, to snatch the first place spot.

There won't be any mercy, losing or giving up mentioned in your dictionary. You will fight, and you will fight fair, with all you can.

Now before we transfer into a battlefield with swords and weird weapons, the prompt of the contest will be below :D.

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Graphic type: book cover

Title: Our Voyage to Survival

Subtitle: Your choice

Genre: Main genre is Adventure, sub-genre is Young Adult.

Author: You, and make sure to include our username or the phrase "Andromeda Graphic Contest" somewhere in the graphic.

Description: 20-year-old Beatrice Delaney finds herself stuck on an unknown island in the depths of Africa, along with her group of 5 friends, after a trip to the safari gone dreadfully wrong, resulting in the crash of their plane in the sea. Not all came out surviving from the crash, only Beatrice's group and some unfortunate people. Their current mission is to hunt, scout and accomplish their best to survive on the unnamed island, with no means of technology or modern day services, but that's proved hard for Beatrice when hardships, heartbreaks and treacheries deput. With nothing but surrounding sand, widelife and the endless sea, will Beatrice and the group return to Canada safe and sound?

No, this is not inspired from The Wilds, it's inspired from an Egyptian TV show that was made in 2017💀

Theme: African, in an island, wildlife and a crash. The cover setting takes place in the morning too, so light-themed surroundings.

Face claims: (optional)
•Beatrice: Amelia Zadro
•Her group: Any face claims, group contains multiple genders.
(Face claims are optional)

Requirements: Include elements from the wildlife or islands (palm trees, animals etc). The cover can vary in styles from vectors to manips, so you have the freedom of choice in the cover's style.

Other requirements: You may ask in the comments if you need more information, but please specify what you need to know.

Dimensions: 512 × 800


Prompt is original by kweenpatrickng. It must not be stolen for any uses or you'll face severe consequences. (You'll seriously die if you steal it.)

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Important notes you should actually read before asking anything:

•Face claim is optional. It's already mentioned in case you missed it.

•Cover must have the dimensions 512 × 800. You can tweak with the dimensions, but ONLY if it stays within the same ratio.

•You must submit with the way you chose to submit to. If you forgot by with way you'll submit, you can head to the participants chapter and search for your name💀

•Deadline will be August 22nd, 12 am IST. A whole week to make your cover.

•We will not tag you personally to remind you about the contest, like we did in the warm-up round, we'll just announce a public reminder on our conversations board 2 days before the deadline. We will also not extend the deadline. If you submit within, then good, if you don't, then also good but not for us or you.

•You can submit your graphic while using the preview mode to avoid it from being plagiarized or stolen.

•... Don't get salty if you get eliminated. You were eliminated for a reason.

If  you have any questions, you may ask them INLINE only (seriously the amount of times we say this and some people ignore it 0_o) ------

Andromeda: A Graphic Contest || ONGOING!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt