
3 hours later.

At Zach's apartment.


I've ignored 4 of Hardins phone calls, he's blowing up my phone. I have 2 voicemails from him that I refuse to listen to because I know I'll cave and call him, I just wish he understood that I need space.

I ignore his call yet again and place the phone back on the desk, I try to focus on my manuscripts but my phone starts ringing again. Without looking I answer and bring it to my ear.

"Hardin I ignored five of your calls so why can't you get the hint and leave me alone!"

"Tessa it's Kim."

Oh my god.

I cover my face with my hand in embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry Kim."

"It's fine, I just called to check up on you. Everything ok at Zach's? You know you can stay in the apartment while Gavin and I leave for vacation."

"I know but I just feel kinda weird being at your place alone, I appreciate it though. It's not bad here, Zach and I know our boundaries."

"Boundaries?" She questions.

I sigh.

"Yeah..............it's complicated."

The line goes silent for a bit.

"Tessa I'll never judge you, if you like Zach then you like him. But you just broke things off with Hardin and he's like a brother to me, I know he fucked up but maybe getting with someone else isn't the best thing."

"No I know, I don't like Zach........."

I stand up and close the bedroom door before I sit back down at the desk.

"I don't like Zach, but he's really nice and he's comforting. I don't know what I'm feeling Kim..........it's scaring me."

She sighs.

"Well I'll support you with whatever girl."

I sigh.

"I'm still in love with Hardin.................and I saw him at work today." I blurt out.

"Oh Tessa...........I'm sorry."

I stay quiet.

"Are you excited for Disney?"

I want to change the subject.

"Yeah I'm so excited, I can't wait. Gavin and I got this really great deal on this hotel room. It has mirrors on the ceiling and this heart shaped bed with.................sorry."

"No don't apologize, I'm happy for you Kim."

I hear her giggle over the phone.

"I hear wedding bells Kim." I tease and we both laugh.

"OH SHIT!" I say.

"What? What happened?" She asks.

"The wedding."

I cover my face with my hand.

"Wedding? What wedding?" She asks.

"My boss is getting married tomorrow................Hardin and I were supposed to go together, but now..............."

This is a fucking mess.

"I mean, you don't have to go." She says.

"I do, I promised someone I would be there and I can't disappoint her. But I don't have a dress or a gift..................and Hardin isn't going............and I don't wanna go alone."

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