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Isaiah 40:6-7
1 Peter 1:24
James 1:10-11
Psalm 90:5-6

      Is it a crime if someone tells you to be holy before God and man? Do you have spacious reasons to stand before God for being unholy? Where exactly do you stand when it comes to obedience to God? You see, a strong building does not stand without a source called a foundation. Don't be upset with my questions but know that, something was there before something came into existence. The laptops and phones you are using were invented by somebody. Imagine if that somebody was not available. If there is no founder then it means nothing is there. Your house didn't build you but you built it. It is therefore you who controls it. A port can't control the porter. You see 'Being lonely is not loss of affection but the loss of direction, you need Christ". Now you mortals, who are you, wherefrom you and where are you going? You see, you are nothing without your creator. It is only your founder that brought you into existence. It is only God who knows the value of infinity. It is your creator who knows your beginning and your end, he knows you than yourself because he made you. Even we mortals know how to place expiring dates on items how much God your creator. You are nothing without Christ your creator. If the one who created you says you are naught, then don't be naughty before him. Maybe you know the founder of humility but not too deep so see (Genesis 1:1 and Isaiah 40:28). The voice of the Lord came to ISAIAH saying; 'cry out' and ISAIAH replied; what should I cry, and the voice said, "all people, all flesh is grass and all the godliness, therefore, is as the flower of the field, the grass witheredthe flower fadeth; because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it; surely the people is grass, see (ISAIAH 40:6-7). Just see how the words of your founder are describing you. This shows you are nothing without Christ.

         Your pride, wealth, and everything you have is nothing before God

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

         Your pride, wealth, and everything you have is nothing before God. Rather, give him your heart, soul, mind, and body and he will make you complete. What is anger, malice, and fame to you? You see, righteousness and justice are the foundation of the one who created you. So wisely, you need to pursue God's foundation to stand firm, for a house without a strong foundation is not strong. The text above will help us abate the pride of men. Fellow believers, God created you to be somebody not nobody. He created you to be something important before him, not nothing unimportant.

   See (James 1:9-11)

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

   See (James 1:9-11). God created you I his image and likeness to be someone important, don't live to be nobody before him. He loves you, he cares for you, obey him for he founded you. You see, you can't get something from someone you don't respect. Brethren, your inadequacies, sins, and failures can't save you and that's why you are nothing, money and wealth can't save you and that's why you are nothing. But if only you will obey him, give yourself to Christ Jesus our Lord, then you will become somebody. Apostle Paul considered everything he has as nothing for Christ's sake.  I, therefore, urge you to humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you. One of my messages titled THE 7 SONS OF SCEVA shows you are nothing without Christ. When we put the foundation of God's throne into action, our humanity and sense of beauty will be restored.  Therefore, live Godly, live wisely and be humble.

Thank you.

WALKING IN CHRIST..🚶🚶🙏. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz