the 1st FRUIT.

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Genesis 3:22.
                     In the midst of despair, there is hope. But that hope is not found through human effort. The hope of mankind was first mentioned in God's promise of future salvation to the sinful Adam and Eve. This hope was placed in the garden of Eden as the "Tree of Life". Some trees bear fruit while some don't. But in this message, I want to accentuate on a tree that bears fruit. For example; mango as we all know is a fruit and it comes from a mango tree, etc. Forgive me if I don't know the botanical name for a mango tree. You see, the Bible tells us that; " we should serve God in truth and spirit". Because of this, I want us to learn something about the "Spiritual Tree" normally called THE TREE OF LIFE.  This tree is a tree that every man must get planted in him or her. Is not just a tree but a tree of salvation. The name testifies it, THE TREE OF LIFE. To ascertain it, I will say a tree that gives eternal life. Now, the tree must be planted in you in order to bear its fruits. God planted a tree of life in the Garden of Eden in (Genesis 3:22). Now, what is the purpose of that tree? The verse number "22" says, "It gives eternal life".  Revelation 22:14 concludes it. Another question is, if the tree of life gives eternal life, then who is the tree of life?

 Another question is, if the tree of life gives eternal life, then who is the tree of life?

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           In (John 1:14) it says; " In him is life ". But who is that him? John 14:6 directs us that JESUS CHRIST is the life. If so what shows? His lifestyle displayed on earth shows he is the life. Life changer and life transformer from bad to better, from worse to wisdom. He died to save us from our iniquities. He came to give us eternal life. In him is life. This means Jesus Christ was the tree of life in the garden of Eden. We have the privilege of viewing its fulfillment through biblical history. God's word continually expands on that original promise in the Garden. Another question is, what fruit does this tree of life bear? Interestingly, this tree only bears Nine(9) fruits spiritually. And today, I'm embarking only on the 1st Fruit and I will be brief and concise on it. The 9 fruits of the tree of life can be found in GALATIANS 5:22. The first fruit is LOVE. Now, what is love? How does love operate? Where does love come from? To be honest, love comes from God of heaven and Earth. You see, because of love, God sends love to love us and is JOHN 3:16. And (1 John 4:7)  concludes where love comes from. Again, to really know how love operates, see (John 3:16) and the lifestyle of JESUS CHRIST. But what is love? To answer this I will 1st start by you checking 1 Corinthians 13:4- 7. Again, love is (1 John 2:5-6). Love is the obeying of God's commands. Mathematically, you could see John 3:16 connect with 1 John 3:16-24. Brethren, we shouldn't blend our artificial love in Galatians 5:19-21  with the holy and agape love of God. There should be a separation. The message is clear which I believe, the words are clear. Therefore, I urge you to live to love love and love to love for love sent love to love us and that's why God is love and his son is love.  When we allow Christ Jesus who is the tree of life to fill our lives with his presence, His fruit of love will never depart from us. In him are life and love. His love is what we must strive for. Gods redemptive plan is to change lives. Therefore, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior, obey his commands and his 1st fruit will be your portion. You can't be a Christian without his love. Let the tree of life be planted in you and you will bear good fruits, fruits that give eternal life. Remember, to live is to love, and to love is to live.

Thank you and stay blessed.

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